If you think ZOA’s Campus Department takes a break during the summer when school isn’t in session, you are mistaken. We are busy!
We are getting ready to welcome a group of eager interns to our National office in NY on Monday. This summer’s interns hale from NYU, Columbia, and SUNY Albany, to name a few. While the ZOA Summer Internship Program provides students with an opportunity to experience the daily activity of one of the oldest and most influential pro-Israel organizations in the country (yep, you guessed it, ZOA), they will also be contributing greatly to ZOA’s mission. Over the course of the program, interns will be working on articles to be featured in our student publication The College Zionist. Under the department’s guidance, they will also be putting together material to educate their fellow classmates about students’ rights under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act; rights that ZOA has fought so hard to get recognized and accepted as law in Title VI’s new amendment.
Follow ZOA on our facebook pages https://www.facebook.com/theZOA and https://www.facebook.com/pages/Zionist-Organization-of-America-Campus-Department/144936495597045, and on twitter @ZOA_Campus. In addition to our usual current updates and news regarding Israel and ZOA, you’ll find blogs authored by members of the campus department and summer interns.
Another exciting opportunity ZOA is offering this summer is an essay contest. If you are a student Zionist (only open to undergraduate students) who wants to win $1000 (and let’s be honest, who couldn’t use some extra cash this summer?), submit an essay that answers the question, Why is Zionism Important Today? Send your submission to us at campus@zoa.org by the deadline, June 30th. You must include your name, school, and year. Only essays with proper source citing will be considered. For more details go to https://www.facebook.com/events/384002011714400/.
Summer is never too early to start thinking about how to get to Israel when school starts again. We’ve already got a fantastic ZOA Student Leadership Mission to Israel trip planned and are accepting applications. To apply, go to www.tinyurl.com/zoaisrael2013.
And we’ve added one more member to our team to help us fulfill our mission. David Axelrod will join the ZOA Campus Department as the new Mid-Atlantic Campus Coordinator next week. David recently graduated from the University of Minnesota having committed himself to Israel activism on his campus and holding the title of VP of the new and successful group, Students Supporting Israel at the University of Minnesota. We are excited to have David join our team.
As always, we want to hear from you and work with you on advocating for Israel on campus. ZOA’s Campus Department is standing by ready to not only ensure that every campus has a strong Zionist voice, but that it gets heard. Contact your campus coordinator to bring a ZOA program to your school. Yes, it’s summer, but it’s never too early to start planning.
Southeast Campus Coordinator: swhisler@zoa.org
Northeast Campus Coordinator: amarcus@zoa.org
Mid-Atlantic Campus Coordinator: daxelrod@zoa.org
West Coast Campus Coordinator: dkadosh@zoa.org
Thanks for reading and come back soon to keep updated on our activities!
Shabbat Shalom.