Two Polls: Israelis Don’t Trust Pres. Obama to Stop Iran’s Nukes Program
News Press Release
November 18, 2013

Recent polls show that Israelis don’t trust President Barack Obama on the subject of Iranian nuclear weapons. The polls show that Israelis do not believe that President Obama will keep his promise to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons and that they do not believe that he will consult Israel, as he has promised to do, on dealing with the Iranian nuclear weapons threat.

Pres. Obama’s actions from the beginning led to a massive erosion of Israeli trust in him, as shown by numerous surveys held over the past five years

 The first poll, conducted by the Israel Democracy Institute Peace Index, shows that 67% of Israelis do not believe the President would keep his word to prevent Iran developing nuclear weapons “at any cost,” while 27% said they thought he would. Arab Israelis were split on the issue: 42% believed President Obama would prevent a nuclear Iran, while 38% did not (Spencer Ho, ‘Poll finds that two-thirds of Jewish Israelis do not believe the US president will prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons at any cost,’ Times of Israel, October 10, 2013).

 The second poll, conducted by Israel Hayom – New Wave Research, showed that 47% of Israelis do not believe that President Obama would deliver on his promise to consult with Israel on the issue of Iran, as opposed to 38% who believe that he would. (‘Poll: Two-thirds of Israeli Jews back unilateral Iran strike,’ Israel Hayom, October 4, 2013).

 ZOA National President Morton A. Klein said, “The results in these two recent polls show the Israeli public to be disenchanted with President Obama and skeptical of his verbal assurances that he will do ‘everything, everything,’ in the words of his pre-2008 election statements, to stop Iran becoming a nuclear power. As a result, they do not even believe that he will consult Israel going forward on this paramount issue of Israeli security.

 “That the Israeli public does not like or trust President Obama is nothing new. Despite initial enthusiasm for him when he was elected, President Obama’s actions from the beginning led to a massive erosion of Israeli trust in him, as shown by numerous surveys held over the past five years.”

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