ZOA: Stop Calling Terrorists ‘Militants’
News Press Release
August 20, 2014

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) today released the following statement:

 “Stop Calling Terrorists ‘Militants’  –– They’re Terrorists.

 Those who deliberately murder and maim innocents are not ‘militants,’ so stop calling them ‘militants.’ 

 “Hamas are terrorists, not militants.

 “The Taliban are terrorists, not militants.

 “Al Qaeda are terrorists, not militants.

 “ISIS are terrorists, not militants.

 “Hizballah are terrorists, not militants.

 “These groups intentionally murder innocent Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, and others across the globe. They are evil and blood-thirsty, not ‘militants’ or ‘activists’ or ‘fighters’ or ‘extremists’; so call them what they are –– terrorists.

 Hamas are terrorists, not militants

 “To call them ‘militants’ greatly understates and minimizes the horror of their vile actions and may even camouflage the appropriateness and the imperative of those who fight them.

 “These organizations are on the U.S. and European Union (EU) terrorist list, not the U.S. and E.U. militant list.

 Stop Calling Terrorists ‘Militants’  –– They’re Terrorists.”

Center for Law & Justice
We work to educate the American public and Congress about legal issues in order to advance the interests of Israel and the Jewish people.
We assist American victims of terrorism in vindicating their rights under the law, and seek to hold terrorists and sponsors of terrorism accountable for their actions.
We fight anti-Semitism and anti-Israel bias in the media and on college campuses.
We strive to enforce existing law and also to create new law in order to safeguard the rights of the Jewish people in the United States and Israel.