Palestinian State Would Be Terrorist State – 80% Support Terror, Hamas In Poll
News Press Release
December 10, 2014

A new poll has found that a huge majority of Palestinians –– 80% –– support the recent spate of terrorist murders –– by stabbing and running over with cars –– of Israelis. The poll, conducted by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research, also found that:

  • More than half of Palestinian Arabs support a new uprising against Israel.
  • Hamas, the U.S.- and European-listed terrorist organization which controls Gaza and which calls in its Charter for the destruction of Israel and the global murder of Jews, would win presidential elections if they were held today (‘Poll shows strong Palestinian support for attacks,’ Washington Post, December 9, 2014).

ZOA National Chairman of the Board Dr. Michael Goldblatt said, “These results, which are shocking but not surprising, are strong testimony to the effects of Mahmoud Abbas’ Palestinian Authority’s on-going, institutional incitement to hatred and murder against Israel and Jews in the PA-controlled media, mosques, schools and youth camps.

“It is scandalous that the Obama Administration and other governments have never held Abbas’ PA accountable for this incitement to hatred and murder, which naturally precludes the possibility of any Israeli/Palestinian peace settlement. Obviously, no-one intends to sign or honor peace with people they believe should be murdered.”

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