Action Alert on Nuclear Weapon Free Iran Act of 2015
Action Alerts
January 23, 2015

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) urges all our supporters to contact their Senators and urge support for the “Nuclear Weapon Free Iran Act of 2015,” a bi-partisan bill sponsored by Senator Mark Kirk (R-IL) and Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ). The proposed law places new sanctions on Iran that will go into effect only if Iran and the P5+1 do not reach an agreement under which Tehran clearly gives up the option of developing nuclear weapons.

Please call each of your Senators (see below for how to contact your Senator) and urge them to support this bill, and further, to keep the pressure on Iran to end its pursuit of a nuclear military capability.

The proposed congressional action, while supported by ZOA, is not a solution to the problem of Iran. ZOA has been warning for several years that time is running out to prevent Iran from achieving its goal of having the capability to produce a nuclear weapon. Now, though, time has effectively run out. Iran has, in fact, enough enriched Uranium to move to the final steps of assembling a nuclear weapon at a time of its choosing. The only thing that might prevent this catastrophe for American policy in the region is the threat of an attack on Iran by the US or our allies. Instead, American policy seems focused on creating the illusion of progress in negotiations so that a military attack on Iran is deemed unthinkable. Every opponent of military pressure should be forced to explain why they are acquiescing to Iran’s achievement of a nuclear capability. In the short term, conditional sanctions appear to be the best action that Congress can take, and that is why ZOA is supporting the Nuclear Weapon Free Iran Act of 2015.

Please call each of your Senators (see below for how to contact your Senator) and urge them to support this bill, and further, to keep the pressure on Iran to end its pursuit of a nuclear military capability.


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