ACTION ALERT: Call & Urge Your Senators & Members of Congress To Oppose Iran Deal
Action Alerts
July 29, 2015


Call & Urge Your Senators & Members of Congress:

To Oppose The Nuclear Deal That Permits Iran To Keep the Vital Elements Of Its Nuclear Weapons;


To Support Israel in the Event it Takes Military Action in Self-Defense Against Iran’s Nuclear Facilities



The Obama Administration’s nuclear deal with Iran amounts to a total victory for Tehran’s goal of becoming a nuclear weapons power. It also amounts to a total defeat for the official U.S. and global position that Iran must not be allowed to become a nuclear power. 


This deal enables Iran to retain the essential elements of its nuclear weapons program:


It does not dismantle any part of its nuclear infrastructure. It does not:    


Terminate its nuclear weapons research and development; 
Close its nuclear facilities;
Dismantle its centrifuges;
Remove its stocks of enriched uranium; 
Enable substantive, on-the-spot inspections of Iranian nuclear sites, declared or undeclared, or
Terminate Iran’s Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) program.

This deal also enables the Islamic Republic of Iran to become a nuclear breakout state against whom timely international sanctions and action will be impossible. As a result, Israel, which is existentially threatened by the Iranian regime, might be left with no choice other than pursuing military action against Iran.





Please call your Senator & Member of Congress, once a week, every week, to urge them to strongly oppose this nuclear deal that permits Iran to retain the essential elements of its  nuclear weapons program.


Please also urge your Senator and Member of Congress to strongly support Israel’s right to military action, should it need to take it in self-defense, against Iran’s nuclear installations and facilities. 



Points You Might Wish To Make:


Iran’s leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the Hitler of our time, heading Iran, the Nazi regime of our time, and the senior Iranian religious, political, and military leadership have, in repeated statements, committed themselves to wiping out Israel, the “little Satan,” and the U.S., the “Great Satan.”

We cannot risk empowering the Nazi-like, anti-Semitic, genocidal ambitions of the Iranian radical Shia regime.

No less serious, and with more immediate, terrible ramifications, Iran will be hugely enriched by this nuclear deal to the tune of some $150 billion in unfrozen assets and tens of billions of dollars each succeeding year in sanctions relief. 

This enormous windfall can be expected to be put to use by the radical Islamic regime in Tehran in funding an array of powerful and deadly terrorist organizations and proxies across the Middle East, including Hizballah in Lebanon and Hamas in Gaza.

Contrary to earlier repeated assurances, President Obama is seeking to lift non-nuclear sanctions on Iran.

Hamas and Hizballah are dedicated to Israel’s destruction, America’s destruction, and the global murder of Jews and which, in combination, are responsible for four wars in less than a decade. 

This deal will produce a nuclear arms race in the Middle East, as Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Egypt seek to counter-balance Iranian power. As President Bill Clinton’s Defense Secretary, William Cohen, put it last month, ‘The administration’s intent was to have a counter-proliferation program. And the irony is, it may be just the opposite.’

We know Iran is developing Inter-Continental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs) which will have the range to strike America. Indeed, Iran could not be developing ICBMs for any other purpose, given that they already possess the missiles to strike targets in Israel and Europe. 

If this radical Shia Iran regime gets the bomb, the U.S. will be obliged to live under the permanent shadow of nuclear blackmail. A dirty bomb could be placed on a ship or in a suitcase in New York.

Even if Iran never fires a nuclear missile at the U.S., who really believes Iran won’t give such weapons to terrorists? And who believes that, once having such weapons, terrorists won’t use them on the U.S.? And even if neither uses them, what unending series of concessions and retreats will America have to undertake to ensure that this continues?

You can reach all U.S. Senators & Members of Congress through the Capitol Hill Switchboard: 202-224-3121.

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