Article: AIPAC and ZOA Torpedoing Iran Agreement
ZOA in the news
August 3, 2015

Israel and its supporters in the United States are the primary impediments to global stability and are spending billions of dollars to undermine the conclusion of Iran nuclear talks, a political commentator in Toronto says.

The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) and the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) are behind a relentless pressure on Congress to vote against the recent nuclear accord with Iran, said Brandon Martinez.

AIPAC and ZOA are the two leading pro-Israel lobby groups in the US that “are frantically opposed to the deal and are completely committed to torpedoing the deal whatever the cost is,” Martinez told Press TV on Friday.

President Barack Obama has sought to build political support beyond Washington for the Iran nuclear agreement, urging thousands of supporters from across the US to push Congress to support the deal.

“They’re willing to spend millions if not billions of dollars to undermine this deal; they are frantic, they are scared, they’re very, very worried at this moment,” he added.

“Israel has done everything in its power for decades to make sure that the West and the Islamic world are at odds with each other, are at loggerheads, are fighting and squabbling against each other so that Israel can rule the roost and carve out its emporium while everybody else is distracted,” he said.

President Barack Obama has sought to build political support beyond Washington for the Iran nuclear agreement, urging thousands of supporters from across the US to push Congress to support the deal.

Obama said Thursday that opponents of the deal are spending millions of dollars in order to sabotage it and try to start another war.

Iran and the P5+1 group — the United States, Britain, France, China, Russia and Germany –  reached a conclusion on the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) on July 14 in the Austrian capital of Vienna following days of intense talks over Tehran’s nuclear program.

AIPAC, the biggest Israeli lobby group in the US, is deploying hundreds of lobbyists on Capitol Hill to try to convince lawmakers to vote against the JCPOA.

“This obviously reveals to the world that Israel and global Zionism are the primary impediments to world peace and stability, it’s not Iran,” Martinez said.

This article was published by PressTV and may be found here.

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