ZOA, The World Values… Co-Sponsor NY Times Ad Opposing Disastrous Iran Deal
ZOA in the news
August 17, 2015
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Text reads as follows:

Charles Schumer sparked a firestorm. Adding his name to a growing list of Congressional Democrats, including Representatives Steve Israel, Nita Lowey, Ted Deutch, Alcee Hastings, Grace Meng, Kathleen Rice, David Scott, Albio Sires, Juan Vargas, Eliot Engel and Brad Sherman, he became the highest ranking Democrat in the Senate to announce that he’ll vote against the Iran Deal.

The future Senate Democratic Leader concluded: “I believe Iran will not change, and under this agreement it will be able to achieve its dual goals of eliminating sanctions while ultimately retaining its nuclear and non-nuclear power. … I believe the vote to disapprove is the right one.”

An overwhelming majority of Americans agree with Senator Schumer.

An August 3rd Quinnipiac poll found that American voters oppose the pact with Iran by a margin of 2-to-1. A Monmouth University poll released this week found that just 1-in-4 Americans want Congress to approve it and only 41% of Democrats.

Now we call on you, Senator Cory Booker, to join other courageous Democrats and stand up against this disastrous and dangerous deal.

Now we call on you, Senator Cory Booker, to join other courageous Democrats and stand up against this disastrous and dangerous deal.

You’ve acknowledged that “Iran poses a threat to American security, a threat made worse by their pursuit of nuclear technology. … A nuclear-armed Iran is plainly unacceptable. It would pose serious threats to American interests and to our allies, particularly Israel.” Then, you poignantly added: “The United States must do everything in its power to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon.”

Senator Booker, do you think the Obama Administration has done everything possible? Not even close.

Many voices have detailed endless reasons to reject this sham of an agreement. The secret side deals. The porous inspection regime. Unimpeded access to long-range missiles capable of delivering nuclear bombs to the United States. No dismantling of existing nuclear infrastructure and a preposterous requirement for America to protect Iran’s nuclear facilities. Worse, Iran will receive $150 billion that it will surely use to murder innocent men, women and children – both here and around the globe.

Do we Americans want their blood on our hands? Do any of us have the right to give the world’s most frightening weapons to those who vow “Death to America” and “Death to Israel”?

Senator Booker, at this grave moment we implore you to act with courage and vote to kill the catastrophic deal with Iran. Before Iranian nukes kill millions of Americans.

  • Center for Law & Justice
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