ZOA Letter in Jewish Exponent on Iran Deal
ZOA in the news
August 19, 2015

Bradley Harris (Letters, 8/6) follows up his op-ed in favor of the Iran deal by claiming in response to one of his critics that no deal would be much worse. This is untrue. The alternative to a bad deal was not war — although that is more likely, now that Israel might have no other option but to stop Iran going nuclear with military strikes — but a better deal or, failing that, retention of strong sanctions. Indeed, retaining strong sanctions rather than pre-emptively relaxing them last year might have compelled Iran to yield serious concessions.

Instead, we have a terrible deal and, soon, no sanctions.

That means $150 billion in unfrozen Iranian assets and tens of billions annually in new revenues that will be lavished on Iranian-backed terror groups like Hezbollah and Hamas — a great way to tranquilize the Middle East and protect Israel!

As Harris must know, this deal doesn’t dismantle any element of Iran’s nuclear weapons infrastructure. It also contradicts every substantive assurance President Obama gave on stopping Iran becoming a nuclear power.

President Obama’s demand that Iran dismantle its thousands of centrifuges: dropped.

President Obama’s demand that Iran dismantle its thousands of centrifuges: dropped.

His demand that Iran shutter its plutonium facility at Arak: dropped.

His demand that Iran shutter its underground nuclear facility at Fordow: dropped.

His demand that Iran accept free, unfettered and unannounced inspections of all of its nuclear facilities: dropped.

His demand that Iran fully account for the military dimensions of its past clandestine nuclear research and development programs: dropped.

His insistence that non-nuclear sanctions imposed on Iran.

for its role in international terrorism and abuses of human rights remain firmly in place: dropped.

Michael Goldblatt | Chairman, Board of Directors, Zionist Organization of America

This letter was published by the Jewish Exponent and may be found here.

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