Wash Times Article Citing Speakers at Anti-Iran Rally, 9/9, 1pm, West Lawn, Capitol Hill
ZOA in the news
September 3, 2015

The upcoming rally at the U.S. Capitol against the U.S. nuclear agreement with Iran is still on – and has gained much momentum despite the fact that President Obama has secured enough support in the Senate to prevent Republican forces from blocking it. Some star power is involved.

The speaker’s roster for the event on Wednesday afternoon now includes Republicans Sen. Ted Cruz, Reps. Jim Bridenstine, Louie Gohmert, Steve King, Mike Pompeo, Ted Yolo; Donald Trump, broadcasters Glenn Beck and Mark Levin, American Conservative Union chairman Matt Schlapp, Citizens United founder David Bossie,  Mort Klein, president of the Zionist Organization of America, and Jenny Beth Martin, co-founder of the Tea Party Patriots, a major organizing force for what’s being called a “historic” event.

“The rally is an important opportunity to make clear that this nuclear agreement makes war as well as bloodshed and destabilization across the Middle East more likely, not less likely.”

White House spokesman Josh Earnest referred to it as a “pro-war rally,” predicting that Mr. Cruz and Trump plus former Vice President Dick Cheney would “emerge as the leading voices of opposition” to the Iran deal after Labor Day.

“Congressional Democrats are under enormous pressure from the White House and left-wing pressure groups to fall in line behind President Obama’s disastrous nuclear deal,” says the aforementioned Mr. Klein, whose organization is also organizing the rally, along with the Center for Security Policy.

“We’ve seen Democratic opponents of the deal, like Senators Schumer and Menendez, harshly attacked and threatened for exposing the gaping flaws in this agreement — like the Iranians keeping their centrifuges, enriched uranium stocks, their apparatus of nuclear and ballistic missile research and development,” Mr. Klein continues.

“The rally is an important opportunity to make clear that this nuclear agreement makes war as well as bloodshed and destabilization across the Middle East more likely, not less likely.”

There’s interest elsewhere. The Orthodox Union Advocacy Center is sending a delegation of hundreds of Orthodox Jewish rabbis and other leaders to stage their own rally and press conference outside the Senate on Wednesday. The group likens their event to the historic Rabbis’ March in 1943 in support of American and allied action to counter the destruction of European Jewry.

This article was published by the Washington Times and may be found here.

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