Massive Yet Incomplete List of Arab-Islamic Attacks on Israeli Jews
October 12, 2015

Security Report as of October 11, 2015


These reports are translated and publicized by Hatzalah Yehudah and Shomron with the clearance and confirmation of the IDF.  Hatzalah Yehudah and Shomron is a voluntary emergency medical organization with over 500 volunteer doctors, paramedics, medics who are on call 24/7 and work along with the IDF, 669 IAF Airborn Rescue, the security officers and personal throughout Yesha and the Jordan Valley, and with MDA.

We, the volunteers of Hatzalah Yehudah and Shomron go out to rescue anyone who needs our emergency medical assistance; including civilians, military and Arabs also those within the PA territories. (with IDF presence) To us a life is precious and we go out at risk leaving home and family or stopping on the road to rescue anyone in need.

This is a partial report of the on-going terror attacks against Israel and IDF and innocent civilians many times using the excuse of what they maintain is Moslem and how we the Jews contaminate the Temple Mount. While the world continues to pressure Israel and boycott products from Yesha the attacks continue daily by those who wish to murder Jews in our Land.  It is imperative to break the silence of these attacks which are both encouraged and condoned by the Palestinian Authority, the UNWRA who teach to hate and murder using the excuse of Israel occupying these areas and willfully ignoring the establishment of the PLO in 1964 before the Six Day War in 1967.

Friday October 2, 2015

Rock attacks at Emanuel Junction damage to vehicle

Rock attacks near Azune in Karnei Shomron area lightly injured Israeli in face and damaging truck

Highway 437 near Anatot bus attacked by rocks

Hevron – 2 glass bottles thrown near Police passage

Jerusalem- Shmuel Hanavi Road young Jewish man stabbed and lightly injured

Kiryat Arba- stabbing at the western gate terrorist stabbed policeman lightly injuring him-the terrorist was identified by the police and when they wanted to inspect him he attacked one of the policeman- injured him grabbed his weapon and was shot and eliminated by the police

Afula: female terrorist near the Central Bus Station in attempted stabbing attack caught and prevented from carrying out the attack- terrorist wounded and taken to hospital by MDA

Rock attacks on Gush Etzion –Hevron Highway between Bet Umar and Carmei Zur Junction causing damage no injuries

During violent demonstrations by Arabs in Calandia Border policeman lightly injured by rocks in his lower body – given medical assistance on spot

Hevron : Cross Judea Highway massive rock attacks

Gush Etzion-Jerusalem Highway massive rock attacks near El Hadar causing light injuries to soldier

Car accident caused by rock attacks between Shavei Shomron and Einav causing damage- no injuries

North–west of Ramallah rock attacks at Tourmos Aya

Rock attacks west of Alfei Menashe Junction

Dozens of terrorists carried out violent demonstration at Bet Forouk

Benjamin: Rock attacks between Harasha and Neriya

Benjamin: rock attacks near Adam circle

Benjamin: Near Shilo rock attacks causing car accident mother and three children in car along with 18 year old youth- all lightly injured

Bet El: Soldier injured lightly in back from rock attacks

Benjamin: Near Neve Zuf 2 soldiers lightly injured in faces

October 9, 2015 until 17:20 (5:20 PM)

64 Israelis injured from terror attacks including a year and four month old infant

Stabbing attacks:

10 -2 thwarted- 12 inured: 3 moderate 1 almost serious 2 serious  6 lightly injured

Rock attacks:

22 civilians lightly injured 24 Police and Border police lightly injured 5 IDF male and female injured lightly

Breakdown of the injured from attacks:

Moderate injured Old City of Jerusalem Haguy St. from stabbing

Kiryat Gat IDF soldier lightly injured from stabbing

Petach Tikvah moderate to serious injuries from stabbing at the Mall- the terrorist apprehended

IDF soldier wounded moderate to seriously stabbing in Afula- the terrorist was apprehended

Civilian seriously wounded in stabbing near western gate of KIray Arba- terrorist escaped

Stabbing attack Tel Aviv- 4 injured lightly – terrorist eliminated

Jerusalem- outside of the Police Station seriously injured from stabbing- terrorist apprehended

Afula- female terrorist shot and injured during attempted stabbing attack- 4 in shock no injuries

Western gate of Kiryat Arba policeman injured – terrorist eliminated

Jerusalem: stabbing near Shmuel Hanavi Road young man injured moderately- terrorist apprehended

Stabbing attempt prevented at Tapuach Junction – terrorist apprehended

Stabbing attempt prevented near Abu Tor – Jerusalem region- terrorist apprehended

Near Abud explosive device detonated near IDF vehicle

Kever Rachel- explosive device detonated-Border policeman lightly injured near Kever Rachel from shrapnel

Improvised grenade thrown at security force near El Arub

Explosive device thrown at Pharmacy post Hevron

Near the Judean IDF Headquarters IDF force attacked with shooting – 2 terrorists were injured from return fire from the force

Shooting and explosive devices attacking Border Policemen in Shaofat Refugee Camp

Dozens of rock attacks and burning tires on the roads of Judea and Samaria:

2 civilians injured lightly from a rock ambush near Bet Sahur on the Tekoa- Har Homa Road

A woman and her year and four month old infant were lightly injured from rocks at Loben A’Shrakai

1 lightly injured and 4 trauma from rocks thrown at bus in Jerusalem

Armon Ha’Natziv walkway in Jerusalem 1 lightly injured from rocks

17 year old youth injured lightly from rocks near Kiryat Arba

2 lightly injured from rocks in Ben Zion change Jerusalem

Driver lightly injured from rocks in bus at Hizma- and 1 passenger injured lightly – refused to be taken to hospital

Driver lightly injured in face from rocks between Azune and Eliyahu passage

2 lightly injured from rocks in Jerusalem between Ben Zion and Atarot passage

Woman, 18 year old youth and 3 children (family of the Head of the Shomron Regional Council) lightly injured in accident following rock attack near Shilo

Security Forces injured from rocks:

IDF soldier lightly injured from rocks at Arab Tekoa

Female IDF soldier injured lightly in her face from rocks at Dir Nizam

IDF soldier lightly near IDF Headquarters Judea

IDF soldier lightly near El Arub

IDF soldier lightly inured in face in Abud

IDF soldier lightly injured near Bet El

Border policeman injured lightly in face near Bet El

2 Border policemen lightly at Calandia

Border policeman lightly in hand at Jalama Passage

Policeman injured lightly in head in Old City of Jerusalem at Hospice Junction

9 Border policemen injured lightly in Shaofat Refugee Camp

6 Policemen lightly injured from rioting Arabs in Jaffe

2 Policemen lightly injured near IDF Headquarters Yesha

2 IDF soldiers injured lightly at Neve Zalach

Riots and demonstrations in Jaffe included fire bombs thrown on policemen and heavy damage to bus and property

There were dozens of attacks with fire bombs in the attempt to burn Jews a few examples:

El Arub, 4 at Meshulash Chorsah, near IDF post at the Cave of the Patriarchs Hevron,Zif Junction, at IDF force near security fence Kiryat Arba, bus at Arab Tekoa, Security Fence of Givon HaChadasha, 5 between Pedual and Oranit, in yard of home Bet El, at IDf and Border Police in Issowiya, at cemetary in Ophra,at vehicle nearnear Na’alin, 3 a security forces in El Arub, Atarot Junction, Cross Shomron Highway, 4 at Katzir damaging car.

Friday night- Erev Shabbat:

Shoafat Refugge Camp Border Police Force attacked by shots, fire bombs and rocks some of the terrorists were injured and later one caught with knife in attempted stabbing died from his injuries after being taken to hospital in Jerusalem.

Because of the alertness of IDF soldiers a very serious terror attack was prevented at Neguhot in Southern Hevron Hills,: at 24:45 a terrorist armed with knife and hunting rifle, was spotted by the security soldiers was apprehended and following additional soldiers joining the force was disarmed by shots at his legs.

Shabbat October 10, 2015

Jerusalem: at 10:00 a.m. stabbing attack at Neviim Street 1 moderately injured and 1 lightly injured- the terrorist 16 years old was eliminated by the police force.

During the funeral of the terrorist in Shoafat Border Police Force fired on a terrorist who was trying to throw fire bombs on the force- the terrorist was hit in his leg and taken to hospital in Ramallah

15:30- 19 year old terrorist from Shoafat arrived at theDamascus Gate, Jerusalem when requested to show i.d. he pulled out a knife and stabbed 2 policemen – 1 in the neck and they were moderately injured, 2 additional policemen were injured from friendly fire when they were eliminating the terrorist. One is in critical condition still.

2 Firebombs between Eli and Rachelim in Benjamin Region

Kiryat Arba- terrorists placed a balloon gas inside of a trap on the security fence causing damage accidently to Arab property from the fire that was set and caused an electric pole to fall.

Gaza Border – demonstrations and attempted terror attacks on the fence, during the demonstrations dozens of Arabs invaded into Israeli territory and were captured by security forces near the fence. 5 were detained and the rest were returned to Gaza.

Gush Etzion-Hevron Highway rock attacks 1 lightly injured got to the check post on the Tunnel Highway and reported-1 very lightly injured treated by MDA,  several incidences of attacks on this Highway

Fire bomb near Betar no injured

Rock attacks at security vehicle on Hizma Anatot Highway 437

Terrorist opened fire at security forces near Neguhot Southern Hevron Hills- no injured in our forces but one of the terrorists was injured was taken by the Red Crescent for medical care.

Kiryat Arba : youth injured in forehead from marble shot at him by terrorists on the southern gate of the Kirya.

Hevron: Bet Hadassah attacked by rocks. IDF apprehended 3 of the terrorists

Violent demonstrations in Hevron near Pharmacist post near the Cave of the Patriarchs –no injured

Fire bomb attacks on Gush Etzion Hih=ghway also on curve 160 between Kiryat Arba and Hevron. Terrorists attempted to open the car and hurt the passengers.

Jerusalem: bus attacked on Shmuel Hanavi Road injuring the driver lightly in his head and damaging the window of the door.

IDF officer injured in Hevron by marble hiting his head, in moderate condition, conscious, taken to Ein Kerem Hospital in Jerusalem

Continuous attacks with rocks on Gush Etzion-Hevron Highway

Highway 446 near Opharim rock attacks

Bus on the Gush Etzion –Hevron Highway attacked with glass bottle of paint near Bet Umar luckily no accident as a result of the attack and no injured

Highway 77 rock attacks on vehicles causing damage driver of bus and passengers in private cars lightly injured from glass

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