ZOA in Israel National News on Anti-Semitic UN Resolution
ZOA in the news
January 16, 2017

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) President Morton A. Klein has issued a call urging that pending Senate Resolutions, such as the recent Senate Resolution 6 Condemning UN Security Council Resolution 2334, must not promote “the dangerous so-called two-state solution”.

Klein said that the ZOA “very much appreciates and praises the U.S. Senate’s desire to condemn horrendous anti-Israel United Nations Security Council Resolution 2334.” However, he added, while “Pending Senate Resolution 6 is well-meaning, and contains many praiseworthy provisions condemning UNSC Resolution 2334 and potential additional anti-Israel actions in Paris, at the UN and elsewhere,” it also contains language promoting the “two-state solution,” which should be deleted prior to a vote.

“The U.S. should not be in the business of promoting such a “solution” on the sovereign state of Israel,” Klein said. “The ZOA thus strongly urges the Senate to revise Resolution 6”.

“The U.S. should not be in the business of promoting such a “solution” on the sovereign state of Israel,” Klein said.

The ZOA pointed out that “the two-state” language in the pending resolution “contravenes the pro-Israel 2016 Republican platform – which elicited cheers from the entire room when it was passed, and the beliefs of the American people who elected President-elect Trump and the current Congress” which “specifically eliminates any mention of a two-state solution”. In other words, the GOP platform opposes imposing the so-called “2-state solution”, the ZOA said.

ZOA also pointedly said that Res. 6’s portrayal of the so-called “two-state solution” as longstanding U.S. policy is mistaken. “For instance, the 2000 GOP platform stated: ‘We will not impose our view or an artificial timetable,’” he noted. “Similarly, Democratic platforms have only supported the concept of a Palestinian-Arab state for a dozen years, since 2004.”

An alternative resolution, Pending Senate Resolution 5, introduced by Senator Jerry Moran (R-Kansas), rejects UNSC Resolution 2334 and other efforts to delegitimize Israel – without mentioning or seeking to impose a “two-state solution”, Klein said. “Pending S. Res. 5 demonstrates that the dangerous, counterproductive ‘two-state solution’ language in Rep. 6 is totally unnecessary.”

This article was published by Israel National News and may be found here.

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