ZOA Praises Hannity for Excellent Segment About Abbas and Other PA Officials Inciting Terror Attacks on Jews and Christians
News Press Release
April 25, 2017

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) President Morton Klein released the following statement:

Last night (April 20, 2017), on his Fox News television show, Sean Hannity broadcasted an excellent segment from Israel, about the Palestinian Arab terrorist attack at the Tel Aviv Sarona Market last June, and about PA dictator Mahmoud Abbas’s and other PA officials’ outrageous incitement of terrorism and payments to terrorists to murder Jews.  The Zionist Organization of America praises Mr. Hannity for this well-done, much-needed, timely show.  The segment can be viewed online at: “Hannity’ Visits the Site of Terror Attack in Israel,” Fox News, Apr. 20, 2017.

“Unfortunately, there is something going on that is simply outrageous… Mahmoud Abbas is allowing a system to grow that is rewarding those who engage in terrorism, rewarding their families.” – Dore Gold

For our readers’ convenience, the ZOA transcribed the video of the segment below.  We’ve also provided notes at the end of the transcript with additional information about PA officials’ statements inciting terrorism against Jews (and Christians), and about the terrorists who PA officials have been honoring and holding up as an example for Palestinian Arab youth to follow.


Sean Hannity (from Jerusalem, Israel): Welcome to Hannity. And we’re broadcasting at this time from Jerusalem. We’re in Israel, where of course the people of this country live under the constant threat of terrorism. Now, last year, in the city of Tel Aviv, two Palestinian terrorists opened fire in a crowded market, killing 4 innocent people, wounding 16 others. Earlier today, I visited this site of this brutal attack with Prime Minister Netanyahu’s spokesman David Keyes and the President of the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, Dore Gold.  And I asked them about the dangers that Israelis are facing every single day surrounded by a lot of enemies.  Take a look:

Sean Hannity (earlier in the day, from the Sarona Market in Tel Aviv, Israel): One of the things that’s coming up is the President [Trump] will be meeting with [Palestinian Authority Pres. Mahmoud] Abbas.  And maybe for my edification, the audience’s edification, Abbas claims he wants peace. What does he really say in public?  What is the public persona, versus the truth, that maybe would help the President.

Dore Gold: Unfortunately, there is something going on that is simply outrageous, that President Trump can change. Mahmoud Abbas is allowing a system to grow that is rewarding those who engage in terrorism, rewarding their families.  You got a young kid, Ahmed, and he goes ahead and shoots an Israeli.  He will get payments from the Palestinian Authority. He’ll get a guaranteed job in the future. And if he kills somebody, he gets more money.

Hannity: That’s going on today?

Dore Gold: That is going on today.

Hannity: You kill an Israeli, you get money.

Dore Gold. You get money.

Hannity: And your family gets money.

Dore Gold: And it’s Palestinian law. So, I have two very simple statements for Mr. Abbas. Stop the payments and change the law. He should not leave Washington without having made that commitment. The real stumbling block for making peace is the culture of hatred that the Palestinian Authority has built.

Hannity: Let’s play a hypothetical game and ask this. If Abbas were to go and meet with the President, if he recognizes Israel’s right to exist; if he stops making the payments to those who kill Israelis; if they get rid of these squares and statues honoring killers of Israelis, where do you begin the peace process from that point? Obviously, that’s got to be a basic simple starting point to get any negotiations moving forward. Right? 

Dore Gold: First, you have to understand, what are the vital interests of both sides. And you look at those vital interests and you go, do I have a bridgeable deal?  Do I have a deal for the whole process?  Or maybe, I have to start something more limited. The worst thing you can do to an American President, is to put him into a process which is going to fail, which is going to be like two locomotives colliding. That’s bad for the President, it’s bad for the reputation of the United States.

Hannity: Explain specifically, if President Trump is watching this show right now.  The trap is what for him? What does he need to understand, in negotiations on this, to get the outcome that’s beneficial for Israel, for the Palestinians, and the world and the United States?

Dore Gold: First of all, I want President Trump to succeed. He deserves to succeed. We all deserve his success. But for that to happen, we’ve got to design a process, where we can work on the things that are bridgeable. But not trying to throw a hail Mary pass each time.  And that’s what’s been happening. We’ve gone too far.

Hannity: What’s the Hail Mary pass? That they think they’re going to do what?

Dore Gold: That they think we’re all going to meet on the White House lawn, shake hands, and end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Hannity: That’s not going to happen.

Dore Gold: There are conflicts that you can address, but sometimes the gaps are too wide.

Sean Hannity: Alright. Joining us now, David Keyes, spokesman for Prime Minister Netanyahu.  We’re at the Sarona Market. And it was in June of last year. This was a prime location. There was a terror attack. Tell us what happened.  

David Keyes: Right behind us, a few tables back, two terrorists came in. They ordered brownies, they were dressed in suits. They tried to blend in.  Average people were sitting at these tables, sipping coffee with their families. And they [the two terrorists] stood up and they murdered 4 people in cold blood. What is that drove these people to stand up and start shooting people?  What is it that drives people in the streets to stab average Israelis?

Hannity: We have video. I’ve played them on my television show. I’ve played them on my radio show. The indoctrination of young children into hating Israel, hating Jews from a very young age.

David Keyes: Look, the Prime Minister spoke at the UN about a 13-year-old boy.  He called him “Ali.”  Look, imagine Ali wakes up in the morning and goes to soccer practice.  But his soccer team is named after Dalal Mughrabi, who murdered 37 Israelis.[i]

And on his way to school, he passes the Abu Sukar statue, erected to a mass murderer who killed 15 people in Jerusalem.[ii]

And when he gets to school, there is a Palestinian Education Ministry seminar honoring Baha Alyan who boarded a bus and stabbed 3 Israelis, on a bus.[iii]

And when he turns on television, he sees President Abbas saying: “We welcome every drop of blood spilled in Jerusalem.”  That’s a direct quote.[iv]

And when he turns on Twitter or Facebook, he’s going to see Abbas’s senior advisors like Sultan Sultan Abu al-Einein. I’ll quote it for you in the original Arabic.  It’s something your viewers deserve to know. This advisor of Abbas said [quotes Arabic, then translates:] “Wherever you find an Israeli, slit their throat.”[v]

Look, everyone in this region deserves to live in peace. And there’s nobody who wants peace more than the Israeli people and the Israeli Prime Minister. And every time we’ve had a real peace partner, Israel has worked out peace deals that lasted decades, in the case of Egypt and Jordan.  Peace is actually obtainable, but what it requires, number one, is a fundamental acceptance of the Jewish State.


[i]   The PA has repeatedly honored, with television specials and by naming numerous sites after her, female “Palestinian” Arab terrorist Dalal Mughrabi, who led the 1978 Tel Aviv Coastal Road Massacre.  Mughrabi and her co-terrorists hijacked a bus on Israel’s coastal highway, wounding 70 and killing 37 innocent people, including 12 Jewish children.  Just last month (in March 2017), the PA named another youth camp after Mughrabi.  (See, e.g., “PLO Names Youth Camp After Terrorist Who Murdered 37,” Fox News, Mar. 7, 2017.)  Mughrabi was born in Lebanon. Moreover, her last name,”Mughrabi” reveals that her family came to the area from the “Maghreb” – which is North Africa.  Most “Palestinian” Arabs similarly hailed from outside Israel, and moved to Israel when Jewish reclamation of the barren land brought jobs into the area.

[ii] In July 2016, the PA erected a monument in Ramallah honoring Palestinian-Arab terrorist Abu Sukar, inscribed with the words: “Monument for the heroic martyr prisoner Ahmad Jabarah Abu Sukkar, 1936-2013.” PA officials attended the dedication ceremony. The PA ignored Israeli PM Netanyahu’s request (broadcasted on video) to the PA to not honor a mass murderer, and to instead honor a champion of co-existence. In 1976, Abu Sakar masterminded the detonation of a bomb-laden refrigerator in the center of Jerusalem, murdering 15 people and wounding more than 60.  (See “Palestinian Authority Erects Monument Honoring ‘Refrigerator Bomber’,” by Deborah Danan, Breitbart, July 19, 2016.)

[iii] Palestinian Arab terrorist Baha Alyan and his accomplice Bilal Abu Ghanem murdered three innocent Jews, including an American-born peace activist, on a bus in October 2015. PA government officials have honored Alyan and Ghanem at ceremonies at numerous universities and schools, including a ceremony in April 2016 at a PA high school, the Shari’ah School for Boys in Qalqiliya.  The event invitation bore the PA’s official logo and the slogan “Baha is the idea and the idea doesn’t die.” The event also called for students to creating “reading chains” in memory of Alyan.  (See “Palestinian High School Honors Murderer of American Peace Activist,” The Tower, Apr. 11, 2016.)

[iv] On Sept. 16, 2015, Abbas broadcasted his quoted call for Palestinian-Arabs to spill blood (to murder Jews and Christians) on PA Official Television. Abbas also promised that Allah would reward those who heeded his call to take Jewish and Christian lives. Abbas’s call to attack sparked the wave of terror in which Palestinian Arabs have murdered 48 innocents (mostly Jews, also American Taylor Force) and wounded over 700 innocent Jews.  Two weeks after Abbas’s call, “Palestinian terrorists murdered an Israeli couple, Eitam and Naama Henkin, in cold blood in front of their four children, who ranged from 9 years old to 4 months. Days later, with the Henkin children still in mourning, PLO official Mahmoud Ismail went on official Palestinian television, PBC, and proclaimed their parents’ murder to be a fulfillment of Palestinian “national duty.” He was one of several Palestinian officials who condoned the murder.”  (“Abbas: ‘We Welcome Every Drop of Blood Spilled in Jerusalem’: Palestinian Leaders Have Created A Culture Of Death That Is Motivating The Latest Violent Terrorism,” by Tzipi Hotovely, Wall Street Journal, Oct. 18, 2015.)

[v]  Senior Abbas advisor Sultan Abu al-Einein made this horrendous statement calling for Palestinian Arabs to slit all Israelis’ throats on June 27, 2016, less than three weeks after the Sarona Market terrorist attack. (See “Abbas Aide: ‘Wherever You See An Israeli, Slit His Throat’,” Times of Israel, June 27, 2016.) Three days after al-Einem’s call to slit Jewish throats, on June 30, 2016, a Palestinian-Arab broke into the home of a Jewish family and slit the throat of a 13-year-old Jewish girl, murdering her in her bed.

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