ZOA Gov’t Relations Director Dan Pollak Speaks at Arlington Nat. Cemetery
ZOA in the news
July 21, 2017


The Jewish War Veterans (JWV) honored British General Orde Wingate on the 73rd anniversary of his death on June 25. Wingate is credited with training the earliest leadership of the Haganah, the Jewish paramilitary organization which became the core of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) prior to Israel’s independence. 

Dan Pollak (pictured) of the Zionist Organization of America spoke about Wingate’s achievements. Other speakers included Rabbi Marvin Bash, rabbi at the Pentagon; Rabbi Mina Goldsmith of Congregation Beth Emeth in Herdon, Virginia; Israeli schlicha (emissary) Na’ama Gold of Temple Rodeph Shalom in Falls Church, Virginia; and Rabbi Uri Topolosky of Congregation Beth Joshua in Rockville, Maryland.

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