ACTION ALERT: Protest Bolivia Invitation to Anti-Israel Group B’Tselem – Set to Smear Israel at UN Security Council Today
Action Alerts
October 18, 2018

Dear Friends:

Please call, write, fax, email, tweet the Bolivian Ambassador to the UN Sacha Llorenty, who is the current rotating president of the U.N. Security Council for October, to protest his abuse of that position to invite the virulent anti-Israel propaganda group B’Tselem to address the UN Security Council today.  

The foreign-funded B’Tselem specializes in spreading false accusations against Israel.  For instance, B’Tselem’s falsehoods were the major basis for the infamous Goldstone report – the same report which Judge Goldstone later retracted.  B’Tselem ignores horrific Palestinian-Arab terrorism and incitement and murders of Jews, and instead blames and condemns Israel for legitimate self-defense. B’Tselem’s anti-Israel propaganda activities are well documented by NGO Monitor at

The Bolivian Ambassador’s outrageous invitation is part of a pattern.  At the United Nations General Assembly last month, Bolivian President Evo Morales falsely accused Israel of “criminal occupation” and wrongly condemned the U.S. decision to recognize Israel’s capital Jerusalem.  (video, minutes 17:50-18:20)  Bolivia’s UN Ambassador Sacha Llorenti banged on tables to disrupt a US event at the UN regarding political prisoners in Cuba.  

Please let Bolivian officials know that inviting anti-Israel propaganda groups such as B’Tselem is wholly unacceptable.   Please copy ZOA ( on your emails and let us know about any response.  See Sample email or voicemail and address information below:

To email addresses:, ,, 


I strongly protest the Bolivian Ambassador to the UN’s invitation to the foreign-funded anti-Israel propaganda group B’Tselem to speak at the United Nations Security Council tomorrow.  B’Tselem spreads unverified falsehoods to smear the democratic state of Israel and Israel’s defense forces.  For instance, B’Tselem’s falsehoods were the major basis for the infamous Goldstone report – the same report which Judge Goldstone later retracted. B’Tselem ignores horrific Palestinian-Arab terrorism and incitement and murders of Jews, and instead blames and condemns Israel for legitimate self-defense.  B’Tselem’s anti-Israel propaganda activities are also well documented by NGO Monitor at  

Israel’s UN Ambassador Danny Danon properly stated that the Bolivian ambassador’s UN invitation to B’Tselem:  “crosses redlines for those foreign countries with an anti-Israel agenda that finance and then invite [B’Tselem] to give testimony again us. We will expose not only Palestinian incitement and lies, but also those of [B’Tselem Executive Director] Hagai El-Ad and B’Tselem. We will continue to defend Israel and the truth.”  

Shame on the Bolivian Ambassador for his invitation to B’Tselem 



Address, Phone, Fax and Tweet Information:

Permanent Mission of Bolivia to the United Nations

Permanent Representative: H.E. Mr. Sacha Sergio Llorenty Solíz

801 Second Avenue, 4th Floor, Suite 402

New York, N.Y. 10017

Listed Phone Numbers: 212 682-8132, 212 682-8133, 212 682-4113 (Note: These numbers appear to be answered by a machine that does not take messages, so email or call other numbers instead)


Consulate General of Bolivia in New York 

800 2nd Ave Suite #430

New York, NY 10017

Tel: (212) 687-0530


The Embassy of Bolivia

3014 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Washington DC 20008

Tel: (202) 483-4410, extension 4 is the Ambassador’s office

Fax: (202) 328-3712


Twitter address for Bolivian President Evo Morales: @evoespueblo  

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