11 Reasons to Vote Slate #11
March 9, 2020

11) The election ends on Wednesday, March 11 – in only 3 days! Time is running out for your to cast your vote for ZOA Coalition – Slate #11 – the slate that puts the safety of the Jewish people first.

10) Your vote will strengthen the slate that leads the battle to defend Israel, sovereignty, and the Jewish people.

9) You want to vote for the slate that takes action! At the most recent World Zionist Congress, every pro-Israel pro-Jewish resolution was initiated by the ZOA Coalition – Slate #11.

8) You want to combat BDS. The ZOA Coalition initiated and obtained passage of the World Zionist Congress’s strong anti-BDS resolution, “buy-Israeli” program, and continues to lead the battles against BDS.

7) Your vote for the ZOA Coalition is a vote for America’s leading pro-Israel activists –  the people who you know will fight for you and the Jewish people!   Mort Klein, Dov Hikind, Aish HaTorah CEO Rabbi Steve Burg, Brooke Goldstein, Ben Kogan, Rabbi Aryeh Spero, Lori Lowenthal Marcus, Siggy Flicker, Mehran Hakimian, Students Supporting Israel CEO Valeria Chazin, Richie Allen, Shani Hikind, Steve Orlow, Rabbi Yitz Tendler, . . . and many more.  

6) When you vote for the ZOA Coalition, you’re voting for 27 of the strongest pro-Israel organizations – from every segment of the Jewish community – Ashkenazi, Sephardi, Mizrahi, Russian, Persian, Syrian, Jewish, and more!  The ZOA Coalition slate includes:  Zionist Organization of America (ZOA), Aish Hatorah, Students Supporting Israel, the Lawfare Project, Americans for a Safe Israel, Americans Against Antisemitism, JCC Watch, Chovevei Zion, American Friends of Ateret Cohanim, One Israel Fund, Young Jewish Conservatives, Eretz Israel Movement, I-Lead, Aharai USA, Hasbara Fellowships, Save the West, Torah from Sinai, Make Israel Great (MIG) Russian-Jewish Coalition for a Strong Israel, United Mashadi Jewish Community of America, American Friends of Likud . . . and more!

5) Your vote for the ZOA Coalition is a vote for positive Zionist and Jewish education. And it’s a vote to end WZC programs that criticize Israeli security measures (checkpoints) and religious Jews.  

4) You are outraged that the left blocked ZOA Coalition’s proposal for an emergency Aliyah program for French Jewry last year. You want to vote for the slate that fights for the safety of Jews around the world who are endangered by rising global antisemitism.

3) You are alarmed that the World Zionist Congress almost passed a left-wing resolution labeling Israeli society as full of “institutional racism” last year. (The resolution was only defeated by one vote!) Your vote for the ZOA Coalition will help make sure that such terrible resolutions will not pass.

2) You don’t want people who kiss terrorism financier Mahmoud Abbas to control how Israel’s national institutions spend 5 billion dollars. 

1) The election is almost over! You have until Wednesday March 11th to cast your vote. The time to vote for the ZOA Coalition – the slate that puts the safety of the entire Jewish people first – is running out.



Get the scoop from ZOA Chairman Mark Levenson, as he discusses the World Zionist Congress elections with Zev Brenner, the host of Talkline radio show, and why it’s important to vote for the ZOA Coalition – Slate #11.

Click HERE to listen to Mark Levenson on the radio. 

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