Zionist Giant/JPost Columnist Isi Leibler Passes at 86
News Press Release
April 13, 2021

ZOA President Morton Klein released the following statement on behalf of all of ZOA:

Isi Leibler was a dear and special friend of mine and the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA). Isi was the leader of the Australian Jewish community and a world class businessman before he made Aliyah. He was a Zionist giant and a fervent, committed, observant, proud Jew. In his columns in the Jerusalem Post, he spoke out passionately about the Arab/Islamic war against Israel and about the reluctance of mainstream Jewry and its leaders to speak out more courageously about our enemies and political foes. He was concerned about the Jewish community’s embrace of the antisemitic, anti-Israel organization Black Lives Matter, and was one of the few journalists to speak out against the anti-Israel policies of Barack Obama and the reluctance of the Jewish leaders to speak out, and worse, that many praised Obama. Isi was also concerned about the ADL’s harmful actions and policies. I’m proud to say he wrote numerous articles expressing great support for and appreciation of the ZOA and its strong policies, frequently stating we were alone in expressing the truth about issues affecting our people.

I spoke to Isi regularly and only several weeks ago, I had a wonderful conversation with Isi and offered him the ZOA Mort Zuckerman Award for Outstanding Journalism at ZOA’s next Gala in the fall. We were honored that he readily accepted. It is with great pain and regret that that wonderful moment won’t happen. The ZOA and the Jewish world will miss Isi Leibler greatly. May his family be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.

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