ZOA Strongly Supports Bipartisan Senate Bill Extending Sanctions on Iran
August 22, 2022

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) National President Morton A. Klein released the following statement:

The ZOA strongly supports the bipartisan bill introduced in the senate by Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC), Maggie Hassan (D-NH), Bill Hagerty (R-TN) and Jacky Rosen (D-NV) to repeal all sunset provisions from the Iran Sanctions Act of 1996. The new bill is the Solidify Iran Sanctions Act (S. 4746). At the time the original Iran Sanctions bill was adapted, no one envisioned that Iran would still be a threat to Israel and the U.S. beyond 20 years. The law included a ‘sunset provision’ which ends all sanctions on December 31, 2026. That date no longer seems reasonable, and it is appropriate that Congress should revoke the sunset clause.

ZOA National President Morton A. Klein said:

“There is no reason to reduce the pressure on Iran simply because the calendar hits a certain date. In fact, this is also a major problem with the Biden Administration’s plan to return to the atrocious Iran Deal (JCPOA) which President Trump wisely ended. Iran is already past some sunset dates for weapons transfer sanctions, and each year between now and the complete sunset of the JCPOA in 2030 Iran has fewer and fewer constraints on it. In just one year from now, for example, Iran will be able to import ballistic missile parts without penalty and test those missiles freely.

“Sanctions by themselves are not sufficient to force Iran to change policy but removing sanctions by the calendar is irrational. An effective comprehensive strategy will also include the threat of kinetic military consequences if Iran does not stop being a threat to the lives of Israelis as well as Americans. It is important to remember that Iran calls Israel the ‘little Satan’ and America the ‘great Satan.’ Their nuclear missiles, if allowed to come into existence, will threaten American cities as much as Israel. ZOA thanks Senators Scott, Hassan, Hagerty and Rosen for this proposed legislation.”

ZOA Director of Government Relations Dan Pollak said:

“It is very important that this legislation is bipartisan. Protecting America and Israel from nuclear destruction should not be a partisan issue, and ZOA is thankful for the support from both parties. All Senators should be doing everything possible to keep the pressure on Iran. We will be working to pass a companion bill to this one in the House of Representatives as well.”

The sponsor of the bill had some comments as well:

“The United States, Israel, and our Arab partners remain concerned about the looming threat that a nuclear Iran poses to the stability of the region,” said Senator Scott. “U.S. sanctions are a necessary deterrent for this dangerous and unstable regime, which is why my bill will make the cornerstone of sanctions on Iran permanent.

“Iran has repeatedly undertaken destabilizing activities in the Middle East. This bipartisan legislation will ensure that we continue U.S. sanctions on Iran, which are important for restraining Iran’s ability to pursue weapons and technology that threaten our national security and the safety of Israel, our strongest partner in the region,” said Senator Hassan.

ZOA urges all members of the Senate to support the Solidify Iran Sanctions Act (S. 4746). ZOA activists are encouraged to call the U.S. Capitol Switchboard operator (202) 224-3121 to connect you directly with your Senator’s office and urge them to add their own names as an additional cosponsor of this legislation.

 The text of the bill is here: https://www.scott.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/ROS22B15.pdf 

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