ZOA Demands UN Recall Biased Official
December 5, 2022

The U.N. Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, Tor Wennesland, tweeted that he was “horrified” that a Palestinian terrorist was killed in what he called a “scuffle” with Israeli border police and sent “heartfelt condolences to his bereaved family.”

The terrorist, armed with a knife, had tried to break into a civilian vehicle and was repelled by the occupant. He then attacked a police patrol, stabbing one officer in the face. Joined by several other assailants, he then attempted to snatch an officer’s firearm, at which point he was shot. 

Responding to Wennesland’s comments, Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz said, “I fully condemn the attempts to present the incident in a false and manipulative manner, and the statement by the U.N. envoy to the Middle East against the officer, who functioned with determination and professionalism.”  Border Police chief Amir Cohen said the officer’s swift action had prevented a “significant” attack on civilians.

“Every day there is more proof that the United Nations is anti-Israel to its core. A terrorist is caught in the middle of an attack, stabbing a police officer in the head, and the UN official is ‘horrified’ that he wasn’t able to go on a Jew-killing spree,” stated Zionist Organization of American National President Morton A. Klein. “ZOA demands the UN recall Mr. Wennesland who has exhibited anti-Israel bias and is unfit for the role of Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process.”

“ZOA reiterates our call for President Biden to reduce funding to this corrupt anti-Israel and antisemitic organization,” Klein continued. “The United States contributes more than $11 billion annually to the woefully tendentious UN, making us the largest donor nation, accounting for nearly 20% of funding. American taxpayer dollars must only support transparent, humanitarian operations.”

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