ZOA Opposes Funding of UN in Omnibus Spending Bill
December 21, 2022

The United Nations Security Council met on December 19, 2022 to hear about the situation in Israel and Judea/Samaria during the period September 21 to December 7 from Tor Wennesland, Special Coordinator for the Middle East Process, who in reality simply represents Palestinian Arab demands. This session occurred during the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah which commemorates the rededication by the Jews of the Temple in Jerusalem over 2,000 years ago.

Despite this millennia-old connection, Wennesland referred to the Old City of Jerusalem—where the Temple stood—and its surroundings as “occupied East Jerusalem,” and complained that new housing units for Jewish residents increased.

Meanwhile, in Washington, the Senate is preparing to vote on an enormous omnibus spending bill. Buried within it, over $1.4 billion dollars to fund multinational organizations like the United Nations.

Zionist Organization of America National President Morton A. Klein stated, “It is outrageous that America sends even a dime of taxpayer money to the UN, an organization of nations who are only united by their animus toward Israel, the one and only Jewish state. Created with a beautiful vision, the UN has degenerated into little more than a propaganda outfit for Israel- and Jew-hating regimes. The ZOA opposes the proposed funding to this counterproductive and corrupt organization and support only transparent, humanitarian operations.

“The funding process for the United States federal government is complex, especially when not conducted under regular order. The proposed spending bill contains many good elements, and we are always grateful for Congressional support for programs that increase American security by supporting our allies. However, the UN is filled with mostly American adversaries and is known for corruption and kleptocracy more than for positive initiatives.”

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