Israel National News: Rep. Tlaib Participated in Art Exhibit Which Advocated for Israel’s Destruction
August 8, 2023

(AUGUST 8, 2023 / ISRAEL NATIONAL NEWS) Reports have surfaced that Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) spoke at an art exhibit in Detroit which advocated for Israel’s destruction, JNS reported Monday.

The exhibit was held from May 26 to June 17 and featured a black-and-white drawing showing a teenage girl with a half-smile and the eliminationist protest chant “From the river to the sea” on top with “Palestine will be free” at the bottom.

A photo showed a young woman in a black hijab holding a glue gun like a weapon as she stood in front of a red-gray-and-black stylized image of someone holding a rifle. The phrase “power to freedom fighters” appears above, along with a strand of barbed wire, according to JNS.

A banner with oranges and watermelons declared in capital letters: “Free our martyrs/Free them all/Zionism will fail!”

The Handala Coalition, a group of organizations advocating for Palestinian Arabs, sponsored the May 30 show at Detroit’s Swords Into Plowshares Peace Center and Gallery, the report said. Among the figures honored with artwork was terrorist Khader Adnan, who died in an Israeli prison on May 2 following an 86-day hunger strike to protest his arrest on terror charges.

Tlaib has a history of anti-Israeli statements, having claimed in an interview in 2019 that Palestinian Arabs living in the British Mandate prior to the establishment of the State of Israel “provided” a safe haven to Jews after the Holocaust.

In addition, when asked in a past television interview whether she would vote against military aid to Israel when she goes to Congress, Tlaib replied, “Absolutely.”

Last year, Tlaib blamed Israel for the death of Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Aqleh, who was killed during a firefight between IDF forces and Arab terrorists in Jenin, before there was any probe to clarify whether Abu Aqleh was killed from IDF fire or from terrorist fire.

Most recently, she joined a boycott by several lawmakers from the Democratic Party of President Isaac Herzog’s speech to Congress, claiming she was acting “in solidarity with the Palestinian people and all those who have been harmed by Israel’s apartheid government.”

This article was originally published in Israel National News and can be viewed here.

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