January 25, 2024

Dear President Biden,

The Zionist Organization of America agrees with the letter sent to you by Mothers of IDF Soldiers. These mothers’ sons and daughters are placing their lives at risk to try to prevent a recurrence of Hamas-led Palestinians’ evil atrocities. It is entirely just and necessary to end the Hamas/Palestinian war of extermination against the Jewish people. We urge you to adopt Mothers of IDF Soldiers’ requests to you to support: (i) Israel’s ability to keep fighting until the IDF finishes the job of defeating Hamas and releasing all remaining hostages; (ii) placing all humanitarian aid under IDF control to stop Hamas from seizing aid and using the aid for Hamas’ continuing terror and rocket attacks and war machine; and (iii) pressuring Egypt to enable Arab civilians to leave Gaza for refuge in third countries throughout the Muslim and Arab world. We note that the families of most Arabs in Gaza were originally from Egypt, Algeria and other Arab and Muslim nations. As Mothers of IDF Soldiers pointed out, civilians in every other war zone are encouraged to relocate to third countries.

View the Mothers of IDF Soldiers letter to President Joe Biden as a PDF or read the letter below:


President Joseph R. Biden Jr.
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, D.C. 20500

Dear President Biden,

We are an organization of mothers of IDF warriors who are now serving on the front lines in the war for our national survival, in Gaza, along the northern border, in Judea and Samaria and along Israel’s eastern frontier.

We believe in our sons’ and daughters’ mission to protect our state and our people. We are proud of their accomplishments and courage.

We want to begin with our sincere thanks for your crucial support during these challenging times. Your leadership has been a great source of strength for our nation.

There can be no war more just and moral than the war Israel is currently fighting. After the atrocities the Palestinians, led by Hamas, committed against our people on October 7th, it is clear to all of us that the very survival of our beloved country, the State of Israel depends on their success. We are certain that through the combination of the iron will of the people of Israel, and the grace of God, we will prevail.

We recognize our sons and daughters as heroes who willingly face risks in answering the call to arms. We accept the inherent risks our sons and daughters take, but we cannot accept placing their lives in unnecessary danger due to concerns for the enemy population. Israel adheres to international law, which places responsibility for civilian lives on terrorists who use them as shields, not on those justified in attacking the terrorists.

Palestinian survey1 data shows that Palestinian society wholeheartedly supports the acts of genocide the enemy carried out against our people on October 7th. Thousands of Gazan civilians, including women, elderly and children participated in the slaughter, torture, mutilation, and burning of our brothers and sisters. Ordinary Palestinians gleefully looted our people’s homes and persons on October 7th. The survey data shows that three quarters of the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and Judea and Samaria support Hamas and the slaughter Hamas terrorists led on October 7th.

There is no ethical or moral precedent of a just society that places a higher value on the lives of enemy civilians than the lives of its own soldiers, and there can be none. This is undoubtedly the case in our current context, where the enemy society as a whole supports the goal of eradicating our people and our state, and thousands of Gazans jubilantly participated in the Oct. 7th invasion and slaughter

Many more “ordinary” Gazans continue to commit war crimes against us by hiding hostages and starving them, and by willingly acting as accomplices to Hamas terrorists on the battlefield.

Beyond that, it is now apparent that the Gazan people under Hamas are not receiving the humanitarian assistance. Every day, footage from Gaza shows that Hamas controls the aid coming in, whether from Rafah or from Kerem Shalom. We have seen repeated scenes of Hamas terrorists firing civilians as they commandeer the aid trucks. As Gazans have repeatedly attested, the aid is not going to them. It is going to Hamas first and Hamas accomplices second. For others to receive aid, they need to stand with Hamas and help it fight against Israel. UNRWA, the UN agency, in charge of distributing the aid, has been credibly accused2 of being wholly controlled and operating in the service of Hamas.

As a result, the aid going into Gaza does the exact opposite of what you want it to do. It enables Hamas to keep fighting by keeping Hamas terrorists supplied. The fuel going into Gaza enables Hamas terrorists to run their generators that keep air circulating in the underground tunnels, prolonging the war and placing our soldiers in unnecessary jeopardy.

Secure as we are in your friendship, we are certain that this outcome is not the one you seek. In light of the above, we respectfully request:

A – Israel has to keep fighting until all of our War Cabinet goals are achieved: Hamas is defeated, and our 136 hostages are freed. We do not want our sons and daughters to be called on to fight and risk their lives in another six months, or a year or two years, because we did not finish the job today3. We are unwilling to stand idly by and watch the war end in stalemate with Evil, or a ceasefire that allows our genocidal enemies to regroup, rebuild and reconstitute their capacity to murder our people.

We believe it is moral imperative to eradicate this pure evil, defined by you, Mr. President—the evil force responsible for a one-day Holocaust on October 7th, still holding 136 of our citizens hostage in Gaza under demonic circumstances. This evil must vanish.

BNo further entry of humanitarian aid that is not under full control of the IDF from the moment it enters Gaza until it is distributed to actual civilians.

C – Pressure be placed on the Government of Egypt to permit the civilians in Gaza who are stuck in the war zone to leave Gaza for refuge in third countries. There is no justification for the current state of affairs, where unlike civilians in Ukraine, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and other war zones, who were permitted – indeed encouraged – to seek refuge in third countries, Gazan civilians are barred from seeking and receiving safety in third countries, even as they strongly express their desire to leave.

A straight line connects to September 11, 2001 assault on the United States of America and the October 7, 2023 invasion and slaughter against the state and people of Israel. As the U.S. did in the aftermath of 9/11, today Israel is the tip of the spear of the Free World’s war against the forces of evil led by the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Dear President Biden, be assured of our unwavering friendship and love for the American people, and our best wishes to your men and women in uniform and their families.

With deepest esteem and regar,

Mothers of IDF Soldiers
The IDF Reservists

Center for Law & Justice
We work to educate the American public and Congress about legal issues in order to advance the interests of Israel and the Jewish people.
We assist American victims of terrorism in vindicating their rights under the law, and seek to hold terrorists and sponsors of terrorism accountable for their actions.
We fight anti-Semitism and anti-Israel bias in the media and on college campuses.
We strive to enforce existing law and also to create new law in order to safeguard the rights of the Jewish people in the United States and Israel.