ZOA: Biden’s Anti-Israel Criticism is “Over the Top”
February 9, 2024

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) National President Morton A. Klein released the following statement:

It is absolutely outrageous that last night President Joe Biden stated Israel’s “conduct of the response in Gaza, in the Gaza strip, has been over the top.” Biden’s anti-Israel condemnation of American ally Israel’s just and necessary response ignores reality: Israel scrupulously follows humanitarian law, goes to unprecedented lengths to avoid harming civilians, and is combating – and must defeat – the genocidal terror groups Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad that vow to repeat the October 7th massacres again and again until Israel is annihilated.

Equally awful, Biden stated that he is pushing for a “lasting pause” – meaning a ceasefire. A premature ceasefire, before Israel can defeat Hamas, will mean that Israel will be attacked again and again. Southern Israel will remain a wasteland.  No one will be able to or want to rebuild the communities that Hamas destroyed on October 7th if Hamas is able to return and repeat October 7th all over again. A premature ceasefire will mean more rocket attacks from Gaza against all of Israel, in addition to the constant rocket attacks that Israel is being subjected to from Hezbollah in the north and from other Iranian proxies, such as the Houthis.

We cannot forget that Biden pushed for a premature ceasefire in May 2021, before Israel could complete the job of defeating Hamas. If Israel had not been pressured to end its May 2021 response to Hamas’ attacks, October 7th would not have occurred. It is sickening that Biden is pressuring Israel to subject Israel’s citizens to Hamas’ terror again.

Biden should be demanding the immediate release of the hostages – including the American hostages; pressuring Qatar and taking strong action against Iran to achieve this; and condemning Hezbollah. He should not be condemning innocent, moral Israel, which is fighting for its existence.

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