ZOA Condemns Islamic Iran Attacking Jewish State — Strongly Supports Israel and U.S. Aggressively Responding to U.S.-Hating/Israel-Hating Iran
News Press Release
April 13, 2024

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) National President Morton A. Klein released the following statement:

ZOA strongly supports Israel’s right and obligation to aggressively defend itself from the attack against it by the extremist, Jew-hating, America-hating Islamic Republic of Iran.

ZOA urges every civilized nation on earth to condemn Iran and support Israel responding to the terrorist Islamic Republic of Iran in any way it deems necessary and appropriate.

We also strongly support Israel taking this opportunity to destroy the Iranian nuclear facilities being developed to destroy the Jewish State and massacre millions of Jews, and others. Iran was totally behind the October 7th massacre nightmare. Now is the time to devastate Iran’s military/nuclear capabilities.

We strongly urge the Biden administration to provide any and all support that Israel needs, and even to make clear to Iran that the USA will do all it can to protect and defend its ally, Israel. The Biden administration must immediately reinstate and invoke all sanctions on Iran and stop its policy of ignoring anti-Iran sanctions. The U.S. must also stop its dangerous policy of providing and making accessible tens of billions of dollars to the terrorist, anti-American, anti-Israel, Islamic Republic of Iran. An attack on the Israeli democracy is an attack on America. As Iran always proclaims: “America is the great Satan, Israel is the little Satan, Death to America, Death to Israel.” The U.S. and Israel and the West are in this together and are all threatened by the radical Islamic Republic of Iran, whose goal is to establish an Islamic Caliphate throughout the world. Israel is on the front line — the rest of the civilized western world is next.

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