ZOA Condemns Biden Pressuring Israel Not to Attack Iran’s Oil and Nuclear Facilities, and Threatening an Arms Embargo Against Israel
News Press Release
October 16, 2024

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) National President Morton A. Klein released the following statement:

It is utterly despicable that President Biden pressured Israel not to attack Iranian nuclear sites and oil fields after Iran launched over 180 missiles at Israel (the largest missile attack in history), and after Iranian proxies have been launching deadly rockets, drones and missiles at Israel from all directions. Israelis all over the country have to run to bomb shelters multiple times every day (including one of ZOA’s Board members) – making normal life impossible for the entire country. A Hezbollah drone attack on north-central Israel on Sunday evening (October 13) killed four young Israeli soldiers who were just barely out of high school, and wounded 70 other Israelis. And yet, the Biden administration is pushing Israel to respond inadequately and dangerously to the Iranian regime “head of the snake” — and is simultaneously threatening arms embargos against Israel if Israel does not agree to and implement Biden’s dangerous, uncalled-for demands on Israel regarding Gaza.

Sadly, according to U.S. officials, Israel is acceding to the U.S. pressure to not bomb the most critical Iranian targets – Iran’s nuclear and oil facilities.

Doesn’t the Biden-Harris administration realize that Iran is a mortal enemy of the United States? Has the administration forgotten that Iran has a hit list of former U.S. officials that Iran is actively trying to assassinate now? (Morton Klein was visited at his home by two FBI agents warning that Morton and ZOA were on an Iranian cyber list). Has the administration forgotten Iran’s complicity in planning 9/11, training the 9/11 terrorists, and facilitating multiple attacks on U.S. embassies and troops? Why doesn’t the Biden administration have a shred of real sympathy for what every Israeli citizen is suffering every day for over a year? That’s the real humanitarian crisis! Whose side is this administration on? The Biden administration should be helping Israel to attack Iran’s oil fields and nuclear facilities – and not tying Israel’s hands and demanding Israel not hit their oil fields and nukes.

Notably, by contrast to the Biden administration’s pressures, threats and demands on Israel, the administration says nothing about Ukraine’s multiple attacks on Russian oil refineries and infrastructure. (They also say nothing about the deaths of enemy Russian civilians while repeatedly condemning Israel for unintentional unavoidable harm to Enemy Gaza Arab civilians, 95% of whom support Hamas and the October 7 massacre of Jewish Israelis). Reuters documented at least 17 such Ukrainian attacks against Russian oil facilities in a three-month period this summer. And Ukraine struck a key Russian oil hub this past week, and blew up $200 million of Russian fuel at a Russian oil depot a few days ago.

Attacking an enemy’s fuel supplies is one of the surest ways to impair the enemy’s ability to wage war. Approximately 2500 years ago, Sun Tzu, in the Art of War, advised attacking an enemy’s fuel supplies.

The U.S. shipments to Allied forces in Europe of six billion barrels of oil, coupled with the Allied destruction of Nazi fuel supplies, was a key to the Allies winning WW II. During World War II, the Allied “Oil Plan” – the Allies’ systematic bombing of Nazi Germany’s oilfields, refineries and synthetic oil production plants – reduced Nazi Germany’s production of petroleum, oil and lubricants by more than 90 percent. This resulted in devastating shortages, which caused Nazi armed divisions to run out of fuel on the battlefield, caused munitions production shortages, and caused the Luftwaffe to shorten pilot training programs and lose Nazi pilots. The Oil Plan thus helped shorten the war and assure the Allies’ victory.

Israel is in the midst of a full-scale, multi-front existential war. The U.S. administration must stop pressuring Israel to refrain from doing what Israel must do against Iran to stop the bleeding.

It is outrageous that instead, the Biden administration is now making more unconscionable threats and demands on Israel regarding Gaza. In an October 13 letter from Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, the Biden-Harris administration threatened arms embargoes unless Israel meets U.S. demands to:

  • allow specific numbers of daily “humanitarian” supply trucks to enter Gaza through crossings that Hamas has repeatedly attacked and damaged;
  • remove restrictions on “dual use” items (items that can be used to attack Israel);
  • enhance Gazans security;
  • institute “humanitarian pauses [ceasefires] across Gaza . . . for at least the next four months”;
  • move Gazans to inland areas (which are still full of terrorists and warfare);
  • end restrictions on UNRWA that are needed due to UNRWA’s active participation in October 7 and UNRWA’s enormous assistance to the Hamas terrorist organization;
  • allow continuous access of purported humanitarian organizations;
  • prohibit evacuations of northern Gaza (thereby enabling Gazans to attack Israeli civilians again);
  • remove restrictions on closed containers and closed trucks (thereby allowing arms to be smuggled into Gaza);
  • rescind evacuation orders (which were needed to keep Gazan civilians away from harm); and
  • ensure that commercial and Jordan Armed Forces (JAF) corridors are functioning at full and continuous capacity.

We repeat: Whose side is this administration on? Are Biden’s actions and policies sinister and evil or simply utter stupidity!?

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