Hegseth Will Defend Our Nation and Its Freedoms | Newsmax.com
December 8, 2024

By Duvi Honig

(November 27, 2024 / Newmax) America has always been a beacon of religious freedom. It was established to be inclusive, offering protection to those of various faiths and encouraging the free practice of religion. Rather than being attacked for their beliefs, individuals should be supported and respected, contributing to a society that values diversity and inclusivity.

Pete Hegseth’s dedication to his religious beliefs has sparked controversy among certain groups who have attacked his religious values. These critics often equate religious adherence with a lack of democratic principles, using tactics employed by the woke movement which Americans rejected at the polls by voting for President Donald Trump.

The success of Pete’s nomination would signify a significant step in defending not just the military interests of the United States but also the core tenets of freedom of religion, democracy and the First Amendment. His nomination embodies a broader commitment to uphold values that allow Americans to practice their faith without fear of retribution or exclusion.

We must take a stand and denounce the woke and far-left movements trying to stop his nomination as his nomination for the position of Defense secretary symbolizes a broader mission. It emphasizes not only the protection of the United States through military might but also defending the safeguarding of democracy and protecting religious freedom.

A Stand Against Misguided Criticism

The criticism and attacks directed towards religious groups, including the Jewish faith, highlight a broader challenge to the democratic foundations of the United States and must be unequivocally addressed. Defending religious freedom and supporting nominees like Pete is crucial to upholding the democracy and inclusivity that is the bedrock of our nation.

There is a growing sentiment among the American public that rejects the overly rigid ideological stances of certain “woke” and leftist movements. This shift in perspective is evident in decisions like Walmart’s rollback of its diversity, equity, and inclusion policies, which signals a reconnection with traditional values and aligns with the broader public’s call for a balanced approach.

Recognizing and respecting religious freedom as a fundamental democratic right is essential to preserving the diverse tapestry that forms the United States.

In a similar concern expressed in a letter of support to Pete Hegseth, The Orthodox Jewish Chamber of Commerce wrote to Pete, “As representatives of the Orthodox Jewish community, we empathize with the challenges you face from groups opposing your appointment due to your religious beliefs, as they resonate with the struggles our community endures in today’s multifaceted society. It is in this spirit that we affirm our steadfast support and encourage you to remain resilient.”

Bottom Line:

As Americans, embracing diversity includes respecting religious beliefs as part of the rich tapestry that makes up our nation. Pete Hegseth’s nomination is not just about filling a governmental role — it is a pivotal moment that reaffirms our commitment to the freedoms enshrined in the Constitution.

When we support religious freedom, we reinforce the very democracy and liberty that define the United States, ensuring that these principles remain a source of pride for generations to come.

This op-ed was originally published by Newsmax and can be viewed here.

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