ZOA to Sen. Schiff (D-CA): Rescind Hiring of Pro-Hamas, Anti-Israel Extremist Maher Bitar to Your Staff
January 22, 2025

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) National President Morton A. Klein, ZOA Director of Government Relations Dan Pollak and ZOA Deputy Director of Government Relations Adam Turner released the following statement:

The Zionist Organization of America expressed strong disapproval and outrage with Sen. Adam Schiff (D-CA)’s decision to re-hire former White House staffer Maher Bitar, who spent his student years as a pro-Palestinian Arab, anti-Israel extremist activist and leader in Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) prior to playing a major role in the Biden administration. During his time as White House Coordinator for Intelligence and Defense Policy at the U.S. National Security Council (NSC) under President Biden, Bitar was a major advocate of policies meant to harm the Jewish State.

While at Georgetown University, Bitar was a prominent leader of SJP. At an anti-Israel conference in Georgetown in 2006, Bitar ran a session describing how to best demonize Israel. The next year, he facilitated a Palestinian Student Society summit addressed by Joseph Massad, who had called Israel a “Jewish supremacist state” and praised terrorism.

SJP is one of the most extremist, radical groups involved in the pro-Hamas, antisemitic “encampment” protests that have taken over dozens of university campuses. Its parent group is also the target of a lawsuit by survivors and families of victims of the October 7 terror attack that alleges SJP is a propaganda front for Hamas in the U.S.

A few years later, Bitar presented at another anti-Israel conference featuring bigots like Rebecca Vilkomerson of Jewish Voice for Peace, who had invited a terrorist to address the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions hate group, and Richard Falk, who had endorsed a book which wondered whether “Hitler might have been right after all.”

Bitar later worked for UNRWA, which is enmeshed with the Hamas terror group, interned at militantly anti-Israel Foundation for Middle East Peace and in later studies was writing papers on the so-called “Nakba” and on “Palestinian” activism. He described Israel’s security barrier ─ a necessity for Israel to deter relentless Palestinian Arab terror and murder ─ as a “segregation wall”. He wrote in one paper that Israel’s “political existence as a state is the cause for Palestinian dispossession and statelessness,” despite the fact that Palestinian Arabs were offered a state eight times in the last 80 years, starting in 1937.

As a premier White House national security official, Maher Bitar continued his attacks on Israel, this time by assisting with the Biden administration’s slow walking of munitions to Israel during the conflict in Gaza, by its outreach to the antisemitic Iranian regime which seeks Israel and America’s destruction, and through its constant and evidence-free criticism of the Jewish state for defending itself.

ZOA President Morton Klein stated:

“Senator Adam Schiff’s hiring of antisemitic Israel-basher Maher Bitar to be his foreign policy advisor is like hiring David Duke to be a civil rights advisor. Bitar was a leader of the Jew-hating, Israel-hating Hamas-supporting Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), where Bitar ran seminars on how to demonize Israel, and promoted BDS to try to destroy the Jewish state. Bitar also worked for UNRWA – a group permeated with Hamas and Hamas-supporters; and promoted the “Nakba” libel that it was a tragedy that Israel survived when six Arab states attacked and attempted to destroy Israel in 1948.

“As an American Jew himself, if Schiff has even a shred of concern for Israel and or own country, he must immediately rescind this dangerous, shameful appointment. The only ones happy about Bitar’s appointment are Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib and the rest of the pro-Hamas, pro-Hezbollah, pro-Iranian regime crowd of terrorist monsters and Jew-haters.”

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