Egypt Again Heaps Vicious Abuse On Secretary Of State Colin Powell
February 11, 2003

Also Called Rumsfeld
“A New Hitler”

NEW YORK- A senior Egyptian official has once again heaped vicious personal abuse on U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell.

Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmad Maher told the Egyptian weekly Al-Musawwar that Secretary Powell’s proposal to promote democracy in the Arab world “is the epitome of idiocy.” (Al-Musawwar, Jan.10, 2003; translation courtesy of MEMRI.)

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) points out that this is just the latest in a series of vicious personal attacks against America’s leaders by senior Egyptian officials and Egyptian government-controlled publications:

* “RUMSFELD IS A NEW HITLER”: An article in the Egyptian government-controlled newspaper Akhbar al-Yom on August 17, 2002, declared: “[U.S. Defense Secretary Donald] Rumsfeld is a new Hitler in America… Ultimately, Rumsfeld will meet his fate, like the other crazies relegated to the dustbin of history.” (Translation courtesy of MEMRI.)

* “CHENEY, RICE, AND RUMSFELD ARE THE AXIS OF EVIL”: An article in the Egyptian government-controlled newspaper Al-Akhbar on July 3 2002, stated: “[Vice President] Dick Cheney, [National Security Adviser] Condoleeza Rice, and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld are the axis of evil in the American administration.” (Translation courtesy of MEMRI.)

* “BUSH IS ARROGANT AND CONCEITED”: An article in the Egyptian government-controlled newspaper Al-Ahram on Sept. 25, 2001 accused President Bush of “arrogance and conceit” for urging the international community to support America’s war against terrorism.

* “POWELL IS ARROGANT AND STUPID”: An article in the Egyptian government-controlled newspaper Al-Akhbar on March 11, 2001, called Powell “arrogant” and accused him of “stupidity, ignorance of the rules of diplomacy, and intervention in what is none of his business.”

* “POWELL IS STUPID AND DECEITFUL”: An article in the Egyptian government-controlled newspaper Al-Akhbar on Feb.27, 2001, stated: “Powell is even more stupid and deceitful than Mrs. Madeleine Albright. Two days ago, he…revealed that he has the brain of a bird. Colin Powell, the black American…acted like a stupid teenager.”

* “POWELL SHED HIS SKIN”: Another article in the Egyptian government-controlled newspaper Al-Akhbar on Feb.27, 2001, asserted: “The American Secretary of State shed his skin, tore himself from his roots, and today he represents only himself and has no connection to the Black American community which led the revolution for democracy, equality and human rights.”

ZOA National President Morton A. Klein said: “Why should the U.S. continue giving over $2-billion each year to a regime that sponsors vicious incitement against America’s leaders?”

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