ZOA Supports Bush Administration’s Preparations For Military Action Against Saddam
March 5, 2003

Defeating Saddam is Part
of U.S. War Against Terror

NEW YORK- The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) strongly supports the Bush administration’s efforts to prepare for the need for military action to replace Saddam Hussein’s regime.

ZOA National President Morton A. Klein said: “Saddam has ruthlessly violated international requirements that he surrender his weapons of mass destruction. He is a threat to world peace.

“Saddam’s regime is also an integral part of the international terrorist network. Iraq’s close relations with Yasir Arafat’s terrorist Palestinian Authority regime, and Iraq’s policy of paying $25,000 rewards to the families of Palestinian Arab suicide bombers, demonstrates that Saddam’s evil deeds range far beyond Iraq’s borders.

“The United States has every right to use military force to oust Saddam’s evil regime, and the Bush administration deserves the strongest praise for preparing for the likelihood of such action, and for carefully explaining to the American public the compelling reasons for such action.

“Defeating Saddam will also send a message to terrorists and terrorist-regimes around the world that the United States no longer accept the existence of rogue regimes that promote, finance, and harbor terrorists.”

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