Action Alert: Bush’s “Road Map” Plan Will Lead to the Creation of a Palestinian Arab Terrorist State
Action Alerts
March 21, 2003

ZOA Executive Directors
ZOA Regional Leaders
Friends of Israel Around the U.S.

Morton A. Klein
National President
Zionist Organization of America

President Bush has said that he will soon present Israel with a “Road Map” plan that requires the establishment of a Palestinian Arab state later this year—even though the Palestinian Arabs have violated all the conditions that President Bush himself set forth in June 2002 as prerequisites to the creation of such a state.

One of those conditions was that the Palestinian Arabs must choose “new leaders, not compromised by terror.” Yet Yasir Arafat’s “new” cabinet consists of 16 of the 19 members of the previous cabinet (and the other three are leaders of the terrorist Fatah movement that has murdered hundreds of Israelis in the past two years)—and Arafat’s new prime minister is Mahmoud Abbas, a Holocaust-denier who has just reiterated his support for “the armed struggle” against Israel.

Clearly, a Palestinian Arab terrorist state will be a terrorist state that will endanger Israel and undermine America’s interests in the Middle East.


President George Bush
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, D.C. 20500

Ph: 202-456-1111
Fax: 202-456-2461

Some Points You May Want to Make:

Polls Show Most Americans Oppose a Palestinian Arab State: A February 2003 poll of the American public found overwhelming opposition to creating a Palestinian Arab state. The survey of 1,000 Americans, by the respected polling firm of John McLaughlin and Associates found that by a margin of 71% to 13%, Americans oppose the creation of a Palestinian Arab state.

* Polls Show Most Israelis Oppose Palestinian Statehood: A February 2003 poll carried out in Israel by the respected Geocartography polling firm (at the request of the Ariel Center for Policy Research) asked: “In light of the experience that has accumulated since the Oslo agreements, do you support or oppose a Palestinian state?” 61% said they oppose creating such a state; only 31% said they support it.

* Creating a State Would Reward the Murder of Israelis. It will send a message that terrorism pays. And if the suicide bombers succeed in Israel, it will increase the likelihood that they will strike America again.

* A sovereign Palestinian Arab state will be no more peaceful than sovereign regimes such as Syria, Iraq, and Libya. Granting sovereignty does not necessarily ensure that the new sovereign state will be peaceful. In fact, it may well strengthen and give more power to the underlying terrorist culture. Syria, Libya, and Iraq are sovereign; wouldn’t the world be better off if such regimes were merely autonomous and did not have full sovereignty? A sovereign state will also be able to bring in weapons and troops from Syria, Libya, Iraq, and Iran.

* A Palestinian Arab State Would Endanger Israel, by establishing a terrorist state that will station its forces just miles from Israel’s major cities—and leave Israel just nine miles wide at its vulnerable mid-section. A Palestinian Arab state would share a Israel’s longest border, flanking the areas that contain 70% of Israel’s population, including Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, and Haifa—plenty of tempting targets for cross-border attacks by terrorists who would then take refuge in the Palestinian Arab state. The recent attack on an Israeli airliner in Kenya by terrorists with shoulder-fired missiles illustrates one of the dangers that Israel would face if a Palestinian Arab state were created, since the border would be close to Israel’s main airport, Ben-Gurion Airport.

* A Palestinian Arab State Would be an Anti-American dictatorship: The Palestinian Authority is a brutal Muslim dictatorship which tortures dissidents, silences newspaper that deviate from the PA line, and persecutes Christians. The official PA media actively incites hatred against America, and the Arafat maintains warm relations with the most anti-American regimes in the world, including Iraq, Iran, Syria, Sudan, Libya, North Korea, and Cuba.

* A Palestinian Arab state Would Endanger Israel’s Water Supply. A significant portion of Israel’s water originates in Judea-Samaria; a Palestinian Arab state could shut off the flow of that water, or terrorists could sabotage it.

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