ZOA Co-Sponsors N.Y. Rally Supporting Bush Administration’s Efforts Against Saddam
March 25, 2003

ZOA Supports Bush’s
Efforts Against Iraq

NEW YORK- The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA), the Christian Coalition, and the New York chapter of Free Republic, co-sponsored Sunday’s mass rally in New York City supporting the Bush administration’s efforts to oust the terrorist regime of Saddam Hussein.

The ZOA is the first major American Jewish organization to co-sponsor a major public rally supporting the war effort.

Thousands of New Yorkers attended the rally, in Times Square. ZOA National President Morton A. Klein, who was one of the featured speakers, said in his remarks at the rally:

“Polls show that the overwhelming majority of Americans support the Bush administrations’ war against Saddam Hussein—and for good reason: this is a just and moral war. Sometimes, when combating evil in the world, there is no choice but to wage war. It was war, not negotiations, that defeated the Nazis in World War II. It was war, not negotiations, that ended slavery in America.

“The Bush administration’s courageous war effort will send a message to terrorist regimes everywhere that America will not tolerate regimes that finance, organize, and harbor terrorists. We hope that message will be heard loud and clear by the terrorist regimes that govern Syria, Iran, and Libya, and the Palestinian Authority.

“Saddam Hussein’s regime is also an integral part of the international terrorist network. Iraq’s close relations with Yasir Arafat’s terrorist Palestinian Authority regime, and Iraq’s policy of paying $25,000 rewards to the families of Palestinian Arab suicide bombers, demonstrates that Saddam’s evil deeds range far beyond Iraq’s borders. America and Israel are fighting the same battle, confronting terrorists on two different fronts in the same war against international terror and its sponsors.”

Center for Law & Justice
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We strive to enforce existing law and also to create new law in order to safeguard the rights of the Jewish people in the United States and Israel.