PA Television Broadcasts Another Sermon Calling For “Destruction Of America”
April 1, 2003

NEW YORK- Official Palestinian Authority Television has broadcast yet another sermon expressing hope that “America will be destroyed” —yet another blatant violation of the conditions that President Bush established in his June 24, 2002 speech.

President Bush said in his June 24, 2002 speech that the Palestinian Arabs must “end incitement to violence in official media.” (For a copy of the Zionist Organization of America’s detailed report on Palestinian Arab violations of President Bush’s conditions, call the ZOA at 212-481-1500.)

Official PA Television on March 28, 2003 broadcast a 40-minute live sermon by Sheikh Muhammad Jamal Abu-Hannud, in the Sheikh Ijlin Mosque in Gaza, in which he said:

“The children of Iraq are being massacred, Iraq is being bombed, and the sons of Iraq are being killed. Iraq, the Arab Muslim country, has been the cradle of civilization since the dawn of history and the capital of the Islamic Caliphate. Aggression against Iraq is an aggression against international law, religious, humanity, and values, morals, and principles. Aggression against Iraq is an aggression against Islam, the Koran, and Muhammad’s message. If Iraq falls down, God forbid, the crusaders will target the Koran.”

Sheikh Abu-Hannud said that President Bush, “the enemy of Allah and His messenger, created hatred against the United States all over the world through his aggressiveness and by calling for a change in the educational curricula in Arab and Islamic countries.” He concluded: “O Allah, help the Iraqi people and leadership be victorious over their enemy. O Allah, defeat the United States and its allies.”

Meanwhile, on the same day, official PA Radio broadcast a 28-minute live sermon by Sheikh Yusuf Abu-Sneinah in the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, in which he appealed to Allah “to help the Iraqi people be victorious over the enemies” and denounced what he called “the ugly massacres committed by the U.S. and British invasion forces.” He added: “Non-Muslim countries have taken an honorable position, although they are defending their interests in the region. They have condemned the aggression and refused to allow the invading forces to use their territories and their territorial waters. They also refuse to sever their relations with Iraq.” He concluded: “O Allah, help our Muslim people in Iraq be victorious over the infidels. O Allah, destroy the Muslims’ enemies, for they are within your power. O Allah, destroy them all.”

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