ZOA Supports Members of Congress Asking UN to Charge Iranian President for Inciting Genocide
January 19, 2007

WASHINGTON — On January 9th, 2007, Congressman Steven Rothman (D-NJ) and Congressman Mark Kirk (R-IL) introduced House Concurrent Resolution 21, (H.Con.Res.) “calling on the United Nations Security Council to charge Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad with violating the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide and the United Nations Charter because of his calls for the destruction of the State of Israel.” The resolution highlights the Iranian leaders repeated calls for and predictions of Israel’s destruction. It was introduced with bipartisan support and currently has 21 cosponsors.

“History tells us that fanatical leaders that threaten genocide mean exactly what they say,” said Morton A. Klein, National President of the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA). “We need to treat Ahmadinejad’s remarks with the seriousness that is warranted.” Said Klein, “The Zionist Organization of America strongly supports this initiative and commends Reps. Rothman and Kirk for putting this legislation forward.”

Ahmadinejad recently headlined a conference in Tehran which embraced and encouraged Holocaust denial and has made other public statements questioning the history of the Holocaust. He also has repeatedly called for the delegitimization and destruction of the State of Israel. Iran is a signatory to the 1948 Genocide Convention.

H.Con.Res.21 “condemns…Ahmadinejad’s offensive remarks, contemptible statements, and reprehensible policies,” calls on the United Nations Security Council and all Member States to “consider measures to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons,” and “reaffirms the unwavering strategic partnership between the United States and Israel.”

If the United Nations is to have any credibility and moral authority, it must immediately and affirmatively hold Ahmadinejad accountable for his outrageous, offensive, and provocative statements against Israel and the Jewish people. Israel is a sovereign United Nations Member State. The fact that Iran is committed to developing nuclear weapons and that Iranian officials have spoken publicly about the damage their use could inflict upon Israel highlights the dire implications of Ahmadinejad’s statements.

Said Klein, “We ask all Members of Congress to co-sponsor and support this important piece of legislation.”

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