ZOA: Sharon’s Drop To 8th Place As Choice By Likud For PM Is Due To Evacuation Plan
March 23, 2005

NEW YORK – In a survey released this week by Israel’s Midgam polling company in conjunction with Radius radio, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has dropped to 8th place as choice for PM among Likud Central Committee members. The poll was based on 401 members of the Likud Central Committee.

Only one month ago ago, polls showed PM Sharon handily defeating Bibi Netanyahu, Silvan Shalom and Uzi Landau among Likud Central Committee members. The new survey shows Tzahi Hanegbi topping the list followed by Netanyahu, Dan Naveh, Uzi Landau, Gideon Saar, Silvan Shalom, Yisroel Katz and then Sharon. Defense Minister Mofaz is number 11.

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) President Morton A. Klein said: “It is remarkable to see the dramatic drop in support for Gaza evacuation supporters during the last month. This includes Gaza evacuation supporters such as Sharon, Mofaz, Ezra, Shteinitz, Livni, Livnat, Boim, Sheetrit and Ohlmert.”

“One can only conclude that Likud members see that Palestinian Authority Chief Mahmoud Abbas has refused to dismantle and disarm the terrorists, close the bomb factories, end the incitement, or arrest the terrorists since taking power — thereby giving pause to the notion of rewarding Abbas’ pro-terror inaction with more Gaza land and the removal of 9000 Jews from their homes there.”

“In addition, Chief of General Staff, Gen. Moshe Ya’alon said last week, “Do not get intoxicated by the current calm in the region, the terror groups are utilizing the calm to further arm themselves, as well as produce explosives and build up their depleted ranks. In fact, Abu Al-Walid, for the leadership of Islamic Jihad, said, “We aim to take advantage of the lull to prepare our military apparatus to confront any eventuality.” In light of these troubling facts, more and more Israelis are questioning the wisdom of making any concessions to Abbas’ regime especially unilateral concessions. Therefore, supporters of these concessions are becoming less popular while opponents are gaining support.”

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