Israel Military Intelligence Chief: Abbas Moving Terrorists From Gaza To West Bank
News Press Release
April 5, 2005

NEW YORK – Israeli Military Intelligence Chief Aharon Ze’evi Farkash testified before the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee stating that Palestinian Arabs are moving terrorists and its infrastructure from Gaza to Judea and Samaria. This may well be happening due to the Arab conviction that Israel is leaving Gaza and forcefully deporting 9000 Jews primarily because of Palestinian Arab terror and murder. Once Gaza is Judenrein, the terror war will resume in Judea and Samaria where Palestinian Arabs believe renewed terror against Jews there will force them to leave the West Bank.

Caroline Glick of the Jerusalem Post wrote that “An example of how this strategy is being implemented was exposed during an IDF raid Sunday night in Jenin. One of the arrested terrorists had recently been allowed to return to Judea and Samaria after Israel transferred him to Gaza as a result of his earlier terror involvement. He acquired his knowledge of rocket assembly in Gaza and brought it back to Jenin with him.

“Additional concessions have arisen due to the fact that Mahmoud Abbas, Chief of the Palestinian Authority, has decided to empower, finance and legitimize terror groups. Hamas and Islamic Jihad have reached an agreement with Abbas to officially become a part of the PLO. In exchange for this agreement to join the PLO, Abbas reportedly agreed that Hamas will receive 40 percent of the membership in all PLO institutions. He also accepted that Hamas and Islamic Jihad will retain their arms and terror cadres.”

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