Terror Toll Since Cheney Offered To Meet Arafat: 20 Attacks, 11 Murdered, 123 Wounded
March 22, 2002

NEW YORK – In the first three days since Vice President Dick Cheney offered to meet with Yasir Arafat if Palestinian Arab terrorism ceases, there have been at least 20 Palestinian Arab terrorist attacks, in which 11 Israelis were murdered and 123 were wounded.

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA), which monitors Palestinian Arab terrorism, reports:

Tuesday, March 19, 2002: Shooting attack on an Israeli army base in the Jordan Valley; 1 murdered, 3 wounded … Shooting attack in Moshav Aviezer; 2 wounded … Mortar and Kassam rocket attack from Gaza into the Zikkin area near Ashkelon … Bombing attack against Israelis in Gaza … Shooting attack against Israelis in Gaza … Shooting attack against Israeli vehicles on the Jerusalem-Bethlehem road

Wednesday, March 20, 2002: Suicide bombing on a bus near Pardes Hanna; 7 murdered, 30 wounded … Shooting attack near Shechem (Nablus); 1 wounded … Shooting attack on soldiers near the PA airport in Dahaniye, Gaza … Firebombing of a Border Guard patrol near the Orient House in eastern Jerusalem… Shooting attack on an army position near a Jewish community in Gaza… A large bomb exploded along the Israeli-Egyptian border.

Thursday, March 21, 2002: Suicide bombing in downtown Jersualem; 3 murdered, 87 wounded … Shooting attack at policemen in Jerusalem … Kassam missile fired at Kibbutz Re’im in the Negev … Firebomb attack on an Israeli bus west of Hebron … Shooting attack on an Israeli bus near Chomesh … Shooting attack on Israeli soldiers responding to the attack near Chomesh … Shooting attack on Israeli soldiers near Gadid … Grenade attack on Israeli soldiers near Gadid.

ZOA National President Morton A. Klein said: “Vice President Cheney said he would meet with Arafat only if the terrorism stops. Clearly, it has not stopped. For the Vice President to meet with Arafat despite the continuing terrorism would make a mockery of the Vice President’s pledge and send a message to Arafat that the U.S. does not seriously expect him to stop his terrorism. There must be real consequences for Arafat’s actions, not continued pleadings from the U.S.; it is time to end all U.S. relations with Arafat and his terrorist regime.”

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