Call & Urge Your Senators & Members of Congress To: A) Oppose Any Deal With Iran That Permits It To Keep Any Elements Of Its Nuclear Weapons & B) Support New, Stronger Sanctions on Iran
Action Alerts
November 19, 2013


From Zionist Organization of America (ZOA)


Call & Urge Your Senators & Members of Congress To:

A) Oppose Any Deal With Iran That Permits It To Keep Any Elements Of Its Nuclear Weapons &

B) Support New, Stronger Sanctions on Iran



 In the past week, the Obama Administration has been on the cusp of signing an agreement with the Iranian regime which would amount to a total victory for Tehran’s goal of becoming a nuclear weapons power and a total defeat for the official U.S. and global position that Iran must not be allowed to becoming a nuclear power. Only French opposition to the agreement prevented this deal from being concluded. 

 The proposed nuclear deal, which may yet go through, would enable Iran to retain the essential elements of its nuclear weapons program:

  1.  Continuing use of all its thousands of centrifuges;
  2. Uranium enrichment to 3.5%, a level which ,thanks to its vastly expanded umber and new, improved centrifuges, can enable Iran to enrich uranium to levels that permit it to produce nuclear bombs in a matter of months;
  3. Continued operation of its Arak plutonium reactor and heavy water plant –– plutonium being an essential element required of a nuclear weapon, but not nuclear energy, program; &
  4. All its existing intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) program which already affords Iran the capability of striking Israel and Europe and one day will give it the range to strike America.

 Additionally, instead of seeking to maintain and tighten pressure on Tehran, President Obama has been urging the U.S. Senate not to impose new sanctions on Iran and urging American Jewish leaders to stop asking Congress for them. Already, President Obama has quietly lifted financial pressure on Iran by stopping the blacklisting of entities and individuals assisting Iran’s evasion of international sanctions.


Please call your Senator & Member of Congress to urge them to strongly oppose the Obama Administration concluding any deal with Iran that permits it to retain any one of the four main elements listed above that are vital to its nuclear weapons program. Please urge them also to proceed with devising and passing tougher sanctions on Iran.

 You can reach all U.S. Senators & Members of Congress through the Capitol Hill switchboard: 202-224-3121.

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