ZOA Condemns Obama Admin. For Maintaining Ties/Funding To New Hamas/Fatah PA Govt.
News Press Release
June 6, 2014

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has condemned the Obama Administration for responding to the formation of the new Hamas/Fatah Palestinian Authority (PA) unity government by saying that it will continue to financially aid the PA. 

 Hamas, a U.S.- and EU-recognized terrorist group, calls in its Charter for the global murder of Jews (Article 7) and the destruction of Israel (Article 15), while its leaders have called for demise of the U.S. and the murder of Americans:

  •  In May 2011, Hamas ‘prime minister’ Ismail Haniyeh condemned the U.S. killing of Al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden, referring to his “murder” based on a “US policy based on oppression and the shedding of Muslim and Arab blood” and calling Bin Laden an “Arab and Muslim Holy Warrior.”
  •  In April 2007, Ahmad Bahar, Hamas’Acting Chairman of PA legislature publicly called for the destruction of America and the killing of all Americans, saying, “Be certain that America is on its way to disappear … America is defeated … Allah, take hold of the Americans and their allies… Allah, count them and kill them to the last one and don’t leave even one.”
  •  In June 2006, Hamas leader Yasser Ghalban said, “We will rule the nations, Allah willing, the USA will be conquered, Israel will be conquered, Rome and Britain will be conquered… and our children will be released from Guantanamo.”

 ZOA National Chairman of the Board, Dr. Michael Goldblatt said, “It took the Obama Administration only two days to decide that it would be business as usual with the PA.

 “We are sickened, but not surprised, that the Obama Administration publicly condemns Israel for merely announcing a housing project in a Jewish neighborhood of eastern Jerusalem –– but when Mahmoud Abbas’ PA glorifies Jew-killing terrorists, pays salaries to the families of suicide bombers, or, now, forms a unity government with a U.S.- and E.U. recognized terrorist group that calls for the world-wide murder of Jews, the Obama Administration continues to work with it and give it American taxpayer’s money. 

 “In short, Jewish houses in Jerusalem, no. PA/Hamas partnership, yes. No condemnation, no offense taken at the undermining of its own peace efforts–– and no penalties imposed. 

We are sickened, but not surprised, that the Obama Administration publicly condemns Israel for merely announcing a housing project in a Jewish neighborhood of eastern Jerusalem

 “This is despite the fact that the Oslo agreements require the outlawing and dismantling of terrorist groups, the arrest and extradition of terrorists and the banning of such groups from elections.

 “The U.S. is doing this despite the fact that Hamas has foreshadowed expanding its operations from Gaza into the West Bank, while its terror force, the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, remains an independent actor.

 “From a purely American point of view, President Obama should have been outraged. Here is Hamas, whose leaders have declared that the “USA will be conquered,” condemned as an “atrocity” and “oppression” the killing of Osama Bin Laden, and publicly intoned “Allah, take hold of the Americans and their allies… Allah, count them and kill them to the last one and don’t leave even one.”

 “It will be said that the new terrorist Fatah/Hamas PA regime is merely a caretaker government of apolitical technocrats prior to holding new Palestinian elections. Yet, terrorist movements are proscribed by the terms of the Oslo agreements. Moreover, the PA has never abided by its signed Oslo agreements and, for twenty years, no-one, least of all President Obama, has held them to account.

 “Only last month, Abbas told Obama, that he will neither accept Israel as a Jewish state, nor conclude a comprehensive peace that encompasses an end of claims. This assertion prompted no criticism or condemnation –– much less action –– in Washington.

 “Abbas has not fulfilled its commitments under the Oslo agreements to arrest terrorists, outlaw terrorist groups and end the incitement to hatred and murder in the PA-controlled media, mosques, schools and youth camps that helps fuel the conflict. He has said openly that there are no real “political differences” between Fatah and Hamas. Top PA official Saeb Erekat has declared that Hamas “is not and never was a terror group.” Even without the Fatah/Hamas deal, talks with the Fatah/PA were devoid of purpose.

“The Obama Administration should have immediately terminated relations with the PA or, better, told Abbas it would do so at the first hint of the formation of such a regime. Instead, American taxpayers will be funding a regime that includes those who seek the murder of  Americans and Jews everywhere.”

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