ZOA Israel Director Jeff Daube’s TLV1 Radio Interview, ‘Bibi’s UN address’
Multimedia ZOA in the news
October 6, 2014

All eyes were on New York as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made his major address to the United Nations, which kind pundits called “vintage” and less generous observers called “warmed-over shtick.”

Jeff Daube, Israel director of the Zionist Organization of America, says that Netanyahu was effective in sending a strong message, communicating to the world the dangers posed by militant Islam and ISIS.

Jeff Daube, Israel director of the Zionist Organization of America, says that Netanyahu was effective in sending a strong message, communicating to the world the dangers posed by militant Islam and ISIS, and using an interesting baseball analogy to highlight Iran’s apparent manipulations and deceptions.

Yael Pattir, director of J Street Israel, talks about Netanyahu’s changing approach to peace negotiations with the Palestinians, saying that his new openness to participation with neighboring Arab states could be an encouraging sign – but she is skeptical about it leading to concrete progress.


This is a segment from So Much to Say: Listen to the full show.


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