Immgrant, Resident Of US Calls For Murder Of Sen. Joe Lieberman & Is Released – American Media Largely Silent
August 11, 2011


Media Silence Astonishing, Given Recent Rep. Giffords’ Shooting






The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has expressed alarm and concern at the almost-total silence of the American media following the arrest of an Uzbek-born immigrant who wrote on his blog calling for the murder of “at least, one Jew,” Senator Joseph Lieberman (I-CT). Senator Lieberman, who was Democratic presidential candidate Al Gore’s running mate in 2000, is not running for re-election in 2012 but is currently chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee.


Dmitry Dyatlov, who arrived in the U.S. in 1998 from Uzbekistan, in a post on his blog entitled, entitled, ‘Rammstein Concerts: Better than killing Jews,’ wrote, “there is, at least, one Jew, who we absolutely must shoot in the face (many times), ASAP: Joe Lieberman.” This post alerted came to the notice of one of Dyatlov’s co-workers, who informed the police. Dyatlov cited Senator Lieberman’s membership of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee as one of three reasons for murdering him, the other two being that he is a liberal and “Doesn’t like Marilyn Manson (or Eminem).” U.S. Magistrate Judge Henry Perkin released Dyatlov on bail on the proviso that authorities install electronic-monitoring equipment on his computer. (Reuben Kramer, ‘Bail Set for Man Charged With Lieberman Threat,’ Courthouse News Service, August 9, 2011).


ZOA National President Morton A. Klein said, “The ZOA is appalled at the dearth of media coverage of this event. Why the virtual silence by the media? Are investigative journalists researching the background of Dmitry Dyatlov?


“One would have thought that the arrest of someone openly calling for the assassination of a senior elected official and former vice-presidential candidate would attract reportage from the national press, but it has not. This is even more remarkable in view of the attempt in January by Jared Lee Loughner to murder Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) and his murder of six and wounding of 13 other people at the scene. This terrible act of multiple murder should have reminded us of the seriousness with which we must treat cases where an individual expresses a desire to commit murder, as Loughner was later found to have done in writing.


“One would also have expected Judge Perkin to take greater note of Dyatlov’s murderous desires, but he released Dyatlov, subject to bail and the fitting of electronic-monitoring equipment on his computer. One wonders if this is adequate, given that Dyatlov is reported to have posted the blog in question, not from his home computer or laptop, but from a Kinko’s store in downtown Philadelphia. Presumably, Dyatlov can now post more blogs calling for the murder of Senator Lieberman or others, or seek, at a later date after lying low for months, to commit murder himself.


“The ZOA urges the national media to address this issue. Indeed, its conspicuous failure to address it to date is itself newsworthy and should be a subject of national discussion.”


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