ZOA Condemns Abbas’ Fatah Praising Murderer of Israeli Woman
News Press Release
June 21, 2017

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has condemned Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah Party for its brazen and ghoulish praise for the terrorists who took the life of an Israeli border police officer during an attack in Jerusalem’s Old City on Friday and its condemnation of Israeli forces for killing the terrorists, which it described as a “war crime.” 


In that attack, three Palestinian terrorists using knives started assaulting Jews and succeeded in mortally wounding Israeli border police officer Hadas Malta before being shot dead by other border policeman on the scene. 


The credit for this latest terrorist attack was claimed by the Islamic State (IS) and also by Hamas,  the US- and European Union-designated terrorist group that calls in its Covenant for the destruction of Israel and the global murder of Jews. 


It is clear that Abbas’ PA has no interest in making a genuine peace with Israel. It is also clear that the Trump Administration must insist that the PA must cease its pro-terror, anti-peace actions and should bring the full weight of US pressure to bear on the PA –– including an immediate cessation of US funding.

Meanwhile, Fatah, headed by the PA’s Abbas, widely described internationally as a “moderate” and “peace-maker,” issued a statement saying, “The Fatah Movement called on the entire world and its international institutions to condemn the war crime that the Israeli occupation forces committed on Friday in Jerusalem, a short time before the meal to break the [Ramadan] fast, against three young Palestinians.” 


Fatah Spokesman Osama Al-Qawasmi said, “The silence of the international community in light of the continuation of the occupation and its crimes, which have not stopped for even one moment, encourages Israel to permit [the spilling of] Palestinian blood. The despicable crime that was committed today in cold blood and claimed the lives of three Palestinians is nothing but proof of that.” 


Also, the PA Minister of Education and Fatah Central Committee Deputy Secretary Sabri Saidam stated, “May Allah have mercy on the shards [martyrs] of Jerusalem and all of Palestine” (Translations in Palestinian Media Watch bulletin, ‘PA turns murderers into victims,’ June 18, 2017).


ZOA National President Morton A. Klein said, “We have here but the latest example demonstrating that Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah and PA, the alleged moderates and peace-makers in the Palestinian Arab camp, applaud terrorism, which they also financially reward and publicly honor, and condemn lawful and legitimate Israeli counter-terrorism which captures, kills or otherwise neutralizes the terrorists who perpetrate their horrific crimes.


“President Trump has already rightly taken Abbas personally to task for lying about PA incitement and glorification of terror against Jews and this latest incident merely affords further striking evidence –– if such were needed –– of this fact.


“It is clear that Abbas’ PA has no interest in making a genuine peace with Israel. It is also clear that the Trump Administration must insist that the PA must cease its pro-terror, anti-peace actions and should bring the full weight of US pressure to bear on the PA –– including an immediate cessation of US funding –– if this is not immediately forthcoming.”

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