ZOA‘s Mort Klein Threatens Campaign Against Netflix – Which Then Says Won’t Run Farrakhan Documentary -JNS.org

A documentary featuring the notorious Louis Farrakhan will not be available to Netflix customers next month after all, with the media streaming giant citing an “internal miscommunication.”

“This film will not be released on Netflix. Due to an internal miscommunication, it appeared to be scheduled for release on Netflix, but it is not,” a Netflix spokesperson told JNS. “We apologize for any confusion this has caused.”

“The media has legitimized Jew haters Yasser Arafat, Mahmoud Abbas, Jesse Jackson and Keith Ellison – now Netflix is attempting to do the same with the despicable Louis Farrakhan. It’s both frightening and shameful.”- Mort Klein

The 2014 film, “The Honourable Minister Louis Farrakhan: My Life’s Journey Through Music,” was produced by Farrakhan’s son and profiles the Nation of Islam leader’s life as an extreme and polarizing figure.

In a video post on Twitter on Tuesday, Farrakhan announced that the documentary would soon appear on Netflix.

“My dear viewers and listeners, on August 1 you will be able to view the premiere on Netflix of the minister’s life journey through music. And, if you would like to leave a comment of what you think about that documentary, and its music, you can go to LCTWMusic.com and leave your comment. May God bless you — As-Salaam Alaikum,” Farrakhan said.

According to a list of newly available films on Netflix, published on Monday, the documentary was scheduled to be released on Wednesday.

Zionist Organization of America president Mort Klein told JNS on Tuesday the ZOA was planning to launch a campaign against Netflix.

“The media has legitimized Jew haters Yasser Arafat, Mahmoud Abbas, Jesse Jackson and Keith Ellison-now Netflix is attempting to do the same with the despicable Louis Farrakhan,” Klein said. “It’s both frightening and shameful.”

Farrakhan, who organized the 1995 Million Man March in Washington, D.C., is infamous for anti-Semitic and other bigoted statements made over the decades. For example, in 1972, he said that Jews were “in control of the media.” In 1984, he again tooted this Orwellian horn and pronounced that “Hitler was a very great man.”

According to Anti-Defamation League CEO Jonathan Greenblatt, Farrakhan’s “lacerating speeches over more than three decades and more from his pulpit and perch at the Nation of Islam have repeatedly placed Jews at the center of conspiracy theories blaming them for everything from controlling the banks and media to engineering the slave trade.”

Despite this, Farrakhan still wields considerable influence today, with purported ties to at least seven Democrats in Congress, like Minnesota Rep. and Democratic National Committee deputy chairman Keith Ellison. Additionally, Women’s March leader Tamika Mallory, who has been a vocal critic of Israel, maintains a relationship with Farrakhan and attended his annual Saviour’s Day address in Chicago this year where the minister labeled the Jewish people as “satanic.”

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