House and Senate Leadership Pass Resolutions in Support of Israel – Demands Disarmament of Hezbollah – Calls for Release of Kidnapped Israeli Soldiers
Action Alerts
July 21, 2006

House and Senate Leadership Pass Resolutions in Support of Israel
Demands Disarmament of Hezbollah – Calls for Release of Kidnapped Israeli Soldiers

This week the U.S. Congress voiced its strong support for the State of Israel and its right of self defense, and condemned the terrorist groups Hezbollah and Hamas and their state sponsors.

New resolutions have passed in the House and the Senate that demand the full implementation of U.N. Security Council 1559, requiring Hezbollah to be disarmed and the departure of all foreign militias — including the remaining Syrian agents and Iranian Revolutionary Guards — from Lebanon. The House and Senate resolutions also call for American sanctions to be imposed on Syria and Iran.

The Senate passed S. Res 534 unanimously on Tuesday, July 18th. The House passed H.Res. 921 on Thursday, July 20th by a vote of 410-8. These bipartisan resolutions reaffirm the United States Congress’s firm support for Israel, and acknowledge Israel’s right to defend itself against murderous terror attacks, bombings, missiles and brazen kidnappings. These resolutions also recognize the need for Israel to take the fight beyond its borders to deter further aggression by terrorist groups and their state sponsors, Iran and Syria.

The resolutions, forwarded by the leadership of both parties in the House and the Senate, also call for the immediate release of the Israeli soldiers being held by Hamas and Hezbollah — and hold the terrorist-sponsoring regimes of Syria and Iran responsible for these acts of aggression against Israel.

Click Here to Contact Your Senators and Representatives and Thank them for Supporting These Resolutions Confirming America’s Support for the State of Israel. Ask them to speak out on Israel’s behalf. Members can be reached through the Capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121.

Center for Law & Justice
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