ZOA Applauds Minister Gilad Erdan Becoming New Israeli Ambassador to America and the UN
Press Release
May 11, 2020

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) President Morton A. Klein and Chair Mark Levenson, Esq. released the following statement: 

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) is thrilled with the brilliant and inspired choice of Minister Gilad Erdan to be the next Israeli Ambassador to America and the UN. 

ZOA is proud to call Minister Gilad Erdan our longtime friend. He is a very hard-working, smart, articulate Zionist who knows how to effectively present Israel’s case and defend Israel from all the propaganda lies against it. Erdan was a leader against the Israel bashing BDS movement and understands all the issues in the Arab/Islamic war against Israel. 

Morton Klein and wife Rita Klein remember well sitting next to Minister Erdan in Israel at Dinner at the opening of Erdan’s Ministry’s important conference on the horrific antisemitic BDS campaign, where Morton Klein delivered an address on how to fight BDS on college and high school campuses. 

Mort deeply appreciated Erdan’s kind words in Erdan’s opening speech at the BDS Conference, explicitly stating his appreciation for Mort’s and ZOA’s relentless energy in our campaigns and fights against Israel’s enemies and our promoting strong U.S.-Israel relations in Congress. Erdan kindly stated that he hoped all would have ZOA’s energy in our battles for Israel. 

ZOA Chair Mark Levenson has had the honor and privilege of knowing Minister Erdan for many years and being present with him at numerous economic and environmental meetings in both Israel and New York, where his keen grasp of complicated innovative ideas and his terrific representation of Israel was evident to all.

All of us at ZOA say Mazel Tov to Minister Gilad Erdan and we look forward to working with you in your new critically important post to strengthen Israel and US Israel relations and to weaken and overcome the enemies of the Jewish people and the Jewish State of Israel. 

This News Release can be viewed on our website.

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