Joining ZOA, Rabbinical Alliance of America Supports Judea and Samaria as Sovereign Jewish Lands
June 19, 2020

The Rabbinical Alliance of America – Igud HaRabbonim, representing over 950 American Orthodox Rabbis – expresses its support of Israeli sovereignty in Judea and Samaria as applied in all other parts of the State of Israel. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has announced plans to apply Israeli civilian law in the Jordan Valley and some Israeli settlements in the biblical heartland of Israel known as Judea and Samaria as early as July 1st. Advocates of the plan say it ensures security control over Israel’s longest border and cements the existence of settlement blocs as part of greater Israel without precluding the option for peace. 

Rabbi Joseph Frager, MD, chairman of the Rabbinical Alliance of America’s Israel Advocacy Commission said, “The Rabbinical Alliance of America supports sovereignty in all existing Jewish towns and villages in Judea and Samaria as well as the Jordan Valley but does not support a PLO State.” 

“It is absolutely essential for the future of peace in the Middle East and the world to extend Israeli sovereignty over Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria, part of the historical lands that were not only promised to the Patriarchs, in the Bible, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob for their progeny, the Jewish people, but deeded to them as well. When the peoples of the world will realize that the Jewish people, through their adherence and propagation of G-d’s laws in this world, are the important anchor that saves them collectively from destruction, they too will realize that it is in their interest to acknowledge and support G-d’s Biblical promise and grant. We pray that that day shall come upon us in short due time,” said Rabbi Yaakov Klass, the presidium chairman of the Rabbinical Alliance of America. 

Rabbi Mendy Mirocznik, the executive vice-president of the Rabbinical Alliance of America added that, “Jewish settlement blocs such as the Jerusalem satellite city of Ma’ale Adumim and several nearby settlements, the Gush Etzion bloc of settlements in the Judean Mountains south of the capital, and the area around the city of Ariel, about 35 kilometers (21 miles) east of Tel Aviv, are comprised of devoted Jewish pioneers who have reclaimed our historic ancestral homeland as outlined in the Torah. 

Calling on Prime Minister Netanyahu not to relinquish even one inch of Jewish land that will jeopardize Israeli security interests, Rabbi Mirocznik said, “We recognize that Prime Minister Netanyahu is under enormous pressure to make the right decision for Israel’s future. History will surely record his words and deeds at this critical juncture. We encourage him to seek wisdom and guidance from the words of the Almighty in our holy Torah.” 

The original RAA press release can be viewed here.

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