ZOA to Phila. Eagles: Fire Anti-Semite DeSean Jackson Now
News Press Release
July 8, 2020

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) demands that the Philadelphia Eagles terminate wide receiver DeSean Jackson immediately, based on Jackson’s despicable and inexcusable anti-Semitism.

As reported by ESPN, Jackson recently featured a quote on Instagram that he attributed to Adolph Hitler, which said that white Jews “will blackmail America. [They] will extort America, their plan for world domination won’t work if the Negroes know who they were.”

Jackson also repeatedly praised Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, a notorious anti-Semite, homophobe and misogynist, who has described Hitler as “a very great man” and compared Jews to termites. Referring to Farrakhan’s Fourth of July address, Jackson encouraged people to watch it, writing, “This man powerful I hope everyone got a chance to watch this. Do not be blinded. Know what’s going on!”

“In this time of heightened attention to racism and bigotry, it is imperative that we all condemn and forcefully respond to the oldest form of bigotry: hatred of Jews.”

Jackson purportedly apologized for his posts, but his “apology” instead demonstrated his failure to appreciate that his actions were hateful and hurtful. Jackson actually claimed that he “really didn’t realize what this [anti-Semitic] passage was saying.” He also outrageously claimed, “Anyone who feels I have hate towards the Jewish community took my post the wrong way” – even though his posts plainly demonstrated his hatred toward Jews. 

ZOA National President Morton A. Klein demanded Jackson’s immediate termination, stating, “In this time of heightened attention to racism and bigotry, it is imperative that we all condemn and forcefully respond to the oldest form of bigotry: hatred of Jews. 

“The response to Jackson’s anti-Semitism has been pathetic so far. Jackson’s team simply expressed its disappointment and allegedly spoke to Jackson about his anti-Semitic posts. Disgracefully, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) – still hailed by some as the leading group in the fight against anti-Semitism – meekly referred to Jackson’s appalling behavior as ‘deeply troubling.’ Instead of demanding that Jackson face serious consequences for expressing and promoting Jew-hatred, the ADL simply encouraged Jackson to ‘use his platform as a professional athlete to promote unity and positivity.’ 

“Jackson doesn’t deserve a platform. As it surely would if a player posted despicable and hateful comments about African Americans, gays, or any other targeted group, the Philadelphia Eagles must show zero tolerance for bigotry against Jews by firing Jackson immediately.”

Center for Law & Justice
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