ZOA Spearheads Letter with 24 Pro-Israel Jewish & Rabbinic Organizations to Maintain Current “Made in Israel” Labeling Regulations
News Press Release
March 10, 2021

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) President Morton A. Klein, ZOA Chair Mark Levenson, Esq., ZOA Special Projects Director Liz Berney, Esq., and ZOA Government Affairs Director Dan Pollak released the following statement.

The Zionist Organization of America spearheaded a letter, together with 24 pro-Israel Jewish and Rabbinic organizations, to Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas, urging the Secretary to maintain the current Israeli products labeling regulations.  The current regulations were promulgated in November 2020, and properly permit Israeli products from areas in the Jewish heartland controlled by Israel, in which 500,000 Jewish Israelis live and constitute the majority population (Areas C and H2 of Judea-Samaria), to be labeled “Made in Israel” or “Israel” or “Product of Israel.”  A copy of the letter is printed here.  

“Product of Israel,” “Israel” and “Made in Israel” are reality-based, proper labels because Israel is the “relevant authority” in Areas C and H2 of Judea-Samaria.  

The current regulations also help prevent anti-Jewish discrimination and boycotts against the majority Jewish population in Judea-Samaria; are helpful to American kosher consumers; and avoid confusion.  The current regulations also carry out U.S. Congressional policies to promote trade with Israel, to oppose anti-Israel boycotts and trade restrictions, and to include “territories controlled by Israel” in these pro-Israel trade policies.  

Moreover, the current labeling regulations are in accordance with binding international law, to which the United States is a party, which guarantees Judea and Samaria for close Jewish settlement and reconstitution of the Jewish Homeland, Israel.  

The ZOA-spearheaded letter provides the detailed historical, legal, legislative and moral background as to why the current “Made in Israel” regulations should be maintained.  

The ZOA-spearheaded letter also counteracts a despicable request to rescind the current regulations which was made by six anti-Israel groups (J Street, T’ruah, New Israel Fund (NIF), Ameinu, Americans for Peace Now, and Partners for Progressive Israel).

ZOA President Morton Klein noted: “This is a matter in which the administration can do good by doing nothing to change the current, proper status quo.”  

The ZOA applauds and warmly thanks these 24 pro-Israel Jewish and Rabbinic organizations who joined together to sign the letter to Secretary Mayorkas to preserve the current “Made in Israel” regulations:

• The Zionist Organization of America (“ZOA”)

• Students Supporting Israel (“SSI”)

• Emunah of America

• The Coalition for Jewish Values (“CJV,” comprised of over 1,500 American Rabbis)

• The Coordinating Council for the Jewish Homeland (“CCJH”) 

• The Rabbinical Alliance of America / RAA Igud HaRabbonim

• Americans Against Antisemitism (led by Democratic NY State Assemblyman Dov Hikind)

• Chovevei Zion

• Conference of Jewish Affairs (“CJA”)

• The Lawfare Project

• Endowment for Middle East Truth (“EMET”)

• Hasbara Fellowships

• Americans for Peace and Tolerance (“APT”)

• Russian American Jewish Experience USA (“RAJE USA”)

• American Friends of Likud (“AFL”)

• EZRA USA – US National Movement of Young Russian Jews

• One Israel Fund (“OIF”)

• Americans for a Safe Israel (“AFSI”)

• Jewish Channel Institute (“JCI,” Mikhail Nemirovsky, Chair)

• Aharai

• Illinois Association of Compatriots “Zemlyaki” (Arkadiy Kleban, President) 

• The Assembly of the World Diasporas (NY & Chicago, Leonid Bard, Chair)

• American Friends of Ateret Cohanim

• Young Jewish Conservatives (“YJC”)

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