ZOA Part of Coalition: Don’t Divide Jerusalem by Opening Consulate for Jew-Killing Terrorist Regime
Press Release
October 28, 2021

By Arutz Sheva Staff

(OCTOBER 27, 2021 / ARUTZ SHEVA) Entitled “There is only One Jerusalem”, a group of some 20 organizations is setting out in a joint, public call to the Israeli government to stand strong against the pressure being applied by the U.S. to open a consulate for the PA in Jerusalem.

The organizations view these days as a critical and urgent time in light of a plethora of information from the American administration that after the state’s budget has been passed, the Biden administration will demand the Israeli government to allow and approve the opening of the consulate.

This permission, the organizations fear, is expected to be the first step on the way to the American recognition of the practical division of Jerusalem and defining the eastern part of the capital as the capital of a Palestinian state, which the Washington administration sees as a political goal to solve the conflict.

“The Right’s bleak experience with Oslo proves that steps of this sort constitute the first stones in a domino effect of Israel’s political collapse,” say the organizers of the vigil.

“Israeli consent to open a consulate for Palestinians, G-d forbid, would be an invitation for additional political pressure and additional political steps, both public and covert, that would lead to political negotiations under American auspices on the road to dividing the Land and establishing an Arab terror state in its heart.”

“We must stop these dangerous steps while these are still young. The opening of a consulate is not merely a symbolic act, as some are trying to claim, in order to blind the Israeli public. This step will be very significant for the American administration, and exactly because of this, much American effort is being invested in this,” they say.

“If, G-d forbid, a consulate for Palestinians is opened with Israeli consent, we will return to the disastrous days of Oslo and breathe dangerous wind into the Left’s efforts to divide the Land into two states, a vision that has cost us the lives of hundreds of Israelis, in trampling Israel’s international standing and the flourishing of an armed terror authority threatening every population center in Israel.”

“We, the group of organizations of lovers of the Land of Israel and Jerusalem, have gathered for a joint action calling on ministers of the Israeli government and its head to present the U.S. with a strong and resolute stand on values consistent with the stand of all Israeli governments over the generations, which is that Jerusalem is the united, eternal and indivisible capital of the State of Israel.”

The organizations that have joined the protest vigil are: The Sovereignty Movement, My Israel, Regavim, Israel Forever, Im Tirzu, the Land of Israel Fund, the Legal Forum, If I Forget Thee, the Atzma’ut Heritage Foundation, For You, Jerusalem, Lavi, Canadians for Israel’s Legal Rights, Israel Allies Foundation, AFSI, ZOA, Mozuud, and CCIH.

Activists and supporters of the organizations will come to the building that the American administration seeks to turn into a consulate on Agron Street in Jerusalem today (Wednesday, October 27th) at 5:00pm, and from there, they will lead the call to decisively overrule any such American pressure. “It is the obligation of the Israeli leadership to stand for the existential interests of the State of Israel and the Jewish People, even vis-a-vis friendly administrations.

“We will stand together in love and dedication to the eternal capital of the Jewish People and we will tell the Prime Minister: Do not allow this first step of dividing the Land! Stand strong against the pressure!”

This article was originally published in Israel National News and can be viewed here.

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