Israel National News – Texas Republican Platform ‘Prohibits’ Palestinian State
June 22, 2022

Texas Republican party approves platform that supports the “prohibition” of a Palestinian state in lands that Israel now controls.

By Elad Benari

(JUNE 22, 2022 / ISRAEL NATIONAL NEWS) The Texas Republican Party has approved a platform that supports the “prohibition” of a Palestinian state in lands that Israel now controls, JTA reported on Tuesday.

The platform, approved by 5,100 delegates in Houston on Saturday, supports the “prohibition of a Palestinian state within the historical borders of Israel, as it would jeopardize Israel’s security and it would force Israel to give up land that God gave to the Jewish people as referenced in Genesis.”

The Texas platform also supports a “prohibition” on the movement to boycott, divest and sanction Israel.

In outright suggesting a “prohibition” on a Palestinian state, the platform goes farther than the 2016 national GOP platform.

That platform omitted references to a “two-state solution” to solve the Israeli-Palestinian Arab conflict. It also rejected “the false notion that Israel is an occupier” and described Jerusalem as Israel’s “indivisible” capital.

It did not include a biblical reference but called Israel an “exceptional country that shares our most essential values.”

Former President Donald Trump, at the time the Republican presidential candidate, hailed that platform as “the most pro-Israel of all time!”

The changes to the platform reflected the positions of Trump, who said before the elections that he would recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and move the American embassy there if elected – promises he kept.

This article was originally published in Israel National News and can be viewed here.

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