Popular Israeli Singer Aviv Gefen Apologizes for Left Wing Views – Now Supports Judea Samaria-Israel Natl News
August 25, 2022

By Avraham Fried & Aviv Geffen

(AUGUST 25, 2022 / ISRAEL NATIONAL NEWS) A historic moment. Popular Israeli singer Aviv Geffen on Wednesday evening performed in Beit El together with hasidic singer Avraham Fried, and gave a personal monologue in which he apologized to the audience.

“It’s very exciting to be here. I went through a difficult and not short journey with myself and I realized that my brothers and I – you – were separated for all kinds of reasons, including my own ignorance in an attempt to please some of the audience,” Geffen began.

He added, “I spoke out of ignorance and did not understand the other. I have grown up and I want to ask you for forgiveness from the bottom of my heart. I am here out of love. Many friends helped me along this journey, one of them is my friend Ayelet Shaked who told me that I should open up to the world and to people. She opened my eyes.”

“To be here today in Beit El is something I would not have dreamed of a few years ago and I am so happy to be here with you with love and respect. I demand from you as I do from myself, only unity, enough divisions. To understand that we are true brothers. Thank you very much for inviting me here and I love you,” Geffen concluded.

Before he sang together with Fried, Geffen put a kippah on his head.

The chairperson of the Zionist Spirit Party, Ayelet Shaked, responded to Gefen’s words and said, “Aviv, I am glad that I helped open your eyes to all the good in this community, salt of the earth, I hope your voice will contribute to increasing unity and free love in our wonderful nation.”

This article was originally published in Israel National News and can be viewed here.

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